--- File: DEP-11 Version: '1.0' Origin: ubuntu-plucky-proposed-universe MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/plucky-proposed Priority: 30 Time: 20250302T231149 --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set en: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set --- Type: desktop-application ID: emacsclient.desktop Package: emacs-common Name: C: Emacs (Client) Summary: C: Edit text Description: uk: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

fr: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

ko: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

pl: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

en_GB: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

pt_BR: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

de: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

it: >-

GNU Emacs è l'editor di testo estensibile e auto-documentato. Questo pacchetto contiene l'infrastruttura indipendente dall'architettura che è condivisa da emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid e emacs-nox.

sk: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

C: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

en: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture independent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid, and emacs-nox.

da: >-

GNU Emacs er et selvdokumenterende tekstredigeringsværktøj. Denne pakke indeholder de af arkitekturen uafhængige infrastruktur, som deles af emacs-gtk, emacs-pgtk, emacs-lucid og emacs-nox.

Categories: - Development - TextEditor Keywords: C: - emacsclient Icon: cached: - name: emacs-common_emacs.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: emacs-common_emacs.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: emacs-common_emacs.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: e/em/emacsclient.desktop/779b2179baf44adec8d05a13c47c26de/icons/128x128/emacs-common_emacs.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: emacs Launchable: desktop-id: - emacsclient.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - text/english - text/plain - text/x-makefile - text/x-c++hdr - text/x-c++src - text/x-chdr - text/x-csrc - text/x-java - text/x-moc - text/x-pascal - text/x-tcl - text/x-tex - application/x-shellscript - text/x-c - text/x-c++ - x-scheme-handler/org-protocol --- Type: desktop-application ID: jemboss.desktop Package: jemboss Name: C: Jemboss Summary: C: Graphical user interface for the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Description: uk: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss представляє собою графічний інтерфейс користувача (GUI) для Європеського комплекту відкритого ПЗ для молекулярної біології EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite). Він є частиною розповсюдження EMBOSS.

pt: >-

O EMBOSS é um pacote de software livre de código fonte aberto de análise, especialmente desenvolvido para as necessidades da comunidade de utilizadores de biologia molecular (ex. EMBnet). O software trata automaticamente dados numa variedade de formatos e permite ainda uma aquisição transparente de dados sequenciais a partir da web. Como existem bibliotecas extensíveis fornecidas com o pacote, é uma plataforma que permite a outros cientistas o desenvolvimento e lançamento de software sobre o espírito do verdadeiro código de fonte aberta. O EMBOSS integra também uma variedade de pacotes actuais e ferramentas para análise sequencial tornando-o um conjunto completo. O EMBOSS quebra a tendência histórica para os pacotes de software comerciais.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

fr: >-

EMBOSS (« European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite ») est un paquet de logiciels d'analyse libre et gratuit, spécialement développé pour les besoins de la communauté d'utilisateurs de la biologie moléculaire (par exemple EMBnet – « European Molecular Biology network »). Le logiciel prend automatiquement en charge les données dans divers formats et permet même une recherche transparente des données de séquences à partir du web. De plus, comme des bibliothèques importantes sont fournies avec le paquet, il s'agit d'une plate-forme permettant aux autres scientifiques de développer et publier des logiciels dans l'esprit du libre. EMBOSS intègre également un ensemble de paquets actuellement disponibles et des outils pour l'analyse de séquences dans un tout cohérent. EMBOSS casse la tendance historique vers des logiciels commerciaux.

Jemboss est une interface utilisateur graphique (GUI) pour EMBOSS, la suite logicielle libre de biologie moléculaire européenne. Il fait partie de la distribution EMBOSS.

sk: >-

EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) je analytický balík vyvinutý špeciálne pre potreby komunity používateľov molekulárnej biológie (napr. EMBnet). Softvér automaticky pracuje s dátami v rozličných formátoch a dokonca umožňuje transparentné získavanie sekvencovaných dát z webu. Pretože s balíkom sa poskytujú aj rozsiahle knižnice, je tiež platformou umožňujúcou iným vedcom vyvíjať a vydávať softvér v pravom duchu open source. EMBOSS tiež integruje množstvo momentálne dostupných balíkov a nástrojov na analýzu sekvencií do jedného celku. EMBOSS prerušuje historický trend smerom ku komerčným balíkom softvéru.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

de: >-

EMBOSS ist freie, quelloffene Software und ein Analysepaket, das speziell für die Bedürfnisse der Molekularbiologie-Anwendergemeinschaft (z.B. EMBnet) entwickelt wurde. Die Software unterstützt die Bearbeitung einer Vielzahl von Datenformaten und erlaubt sogar transparente Abfragen von Sequenzdaten aus dem Internet. Durch die umfassenden Bibliotheken, die das Paket bereitstellt, ist es auch eine Plattform, die andere Wissenschaftler darin unterstützt, Software im echten Open-Source-Geist zu entwickeln und zu veröffentlichen. EMBOSS integriert zudem eine Reihe von aktuellen Paketen und Werkzeugen zur Sequenzanalyse in ein nahtloses Ganzes. EMBOSS bricht den historischen Trend zu kommerziellen Softwarepaketen.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

ja: >-

EMBOSS は、分子生物学のユーザコミュニティ (例: EMBnet) のために開発された オープンソースな解析用ソフトウェアパッケージです。このソフトウェアを 使うことで、様々なフォーマットで書かれたデータを自動的に処理したり、 ウェブから配列データを透過的に取得したりもできます。また、このパッケージには 拡張ライブラリが含まれているので、真のオープンソース精神に則って ソフトウェアを開発しリリースできるプラットフォームです。 さらに、EMBOSS は様々な配列解析用パッケージやツールとシームレスに 統合されています。EMBOSS は、長く続いた商用パッケージソフトウェアへの流れを 断ち切ったのです。

Jemboss は EMBOSS (the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) への グラフィカルユーザインターフェース (GUI) です。EMBOSS ディストリビューション の一部です。

sl: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

it: >-

EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) è una raccolta di software libero e open source di analisi sviluppato in base alle necessità della comunità di utenti di biologia molecolare (come EMBnet). È in grado di gestire dati in diversi formati e consente perfino di recuperare dati di sequenze dal web in modo trasparente. Inoltre, dato che il pacchetto fornisce librerie complete, è una piattaforma che consente ad altri scienziati di sviluppare e rilasciare software conforme alla vera filosofia open source. EMBOSS è dotata anche di strumenti e pacchetti integrati per l'analisi di sequenze. EMBOSS rappresenta un'inversione della tendenza storica a preferire prodotti commerciali.

Jemboss è un'interfaccia utente grafica (GUI) per EMBOSS: European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (suite europea di software aperto per la biologia molecolare). Fa parte della distribuzione di EMBOSS.

ru: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss представляет собой графический интерфейс пользователя для Европейского комплекта открытого ПО для молекулярной биологии EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite). Является частью пакета EMBOSS.

es: >-

EMBOSS («European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite») es un paquete de programas de análisis de código abierto especialmente desarrollado para cubrir las necesidades de la comunidad de usuarios de biología molecular (p.ej. EMBnet). Los programas usan datos en varios formatos automáticamente e, incluso, permiten obtener de forma transparente secuencias de datos de la web. Además, al proporcionarse grandes bibliotecas con el paquete, es una plataforma que permite a otros científicos desarrollar y publicar programas con un verdadero espíritu de código abierto. EMBOSS también integra varios paquetes y herramientas disponibles actualmente para el análisis de secuencias en un entorno integrado. EMBOSS rompe con la tendencia histórica de paquetes de programas comerciales.

Jemboss es una interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI) para EMBOSS, el paquete europeo de programas abiertos para biología molecular. Es parte de la distribución de EMBOSS.

da: >-

EMBOSS er en fri åben kildekode-programpakke specielt udviklet for kravene i brugerfællesskabet for molekylærbiologi (f.eks. EMBnet). Programmet håndterer automatisk data i en række formater og giver også mulighed for gennemsigtig indhentelse af sekvensdata fra nettet. Der tilbydes også omfattende biblioteker med pakken, der gør det til en platform hvor andre videnskabsmænd kan udvikle og udgive programmer i ånden for åben kildekode. EMBOSS integrerer også en vifte af tilgængelige pakker og værktøjer for sekvensanalyse til en samlet helhed. EMBOSS bryder den historiske trend mod kommercielle programpakker.

Jemboos er en Graphical User Interface (GUI) til EMBOSS, European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Det er en del af EMBOSS- distributionen.

C: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

en: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

Categories: - Biology - Science - Education Icon: cached: - name: jemboss_jemboss_icon.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - jemboss.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: nanovnasaver.desktop Package: nanovna-saver Name: C: NanoVNASaver de-DE: NanoVNASaver Summary: C: Tool for reading, displaying and saving data from the NanoVNA de-DE: Programm das Daten vom NanoVNA liest, anzeigt und speichert Description: C: >-

The NanoVNA device is a vector network analyzer and antenna analyzer, useful to test or instrument various kinds of radio networks.

NanoVNA-saver imports Touchstone files from the NanoVNA, sweeps frequency spans in segments to gain more than 101 data points, and generally displays and analyzes the resulting data.

en: >-

The NanoVNA device is a vector network analyzer and antenna analyzer, useful to test or instrument various kinds of radio networks.

NanoVNA-saver imports Touchstone files from the NanoVNA, sweeps frequency spans in segments to gain more than 101 data points, and generally displays and analyzes the resulting data.

Categories: - Electronics - Education Keywords: C: - radio - frequency - analysis Icon: cached: - name: nanovna-saver_NanoVNASaver_48x48.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: nanovna-saver_NanoVNASaver_48x48.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: NanoVNASaver_48x48 Launchable: desktop-id: - NanoVNASaver.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-opencv Package: gstreamer1.0-opencv Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer OpenCV plugins en: GStreamer OpenCV plugins --- Type: addon ID: network-manager-sstp Package: network-manager-sstp-gnome Extends: - nm-connection-editor.desktop - gnome-control-center.desktop ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: es: Cliente de VPN SSTP lv: SSTP VPN klients sv: SSTP VPN-klient it: Client VPN SSTP ca: Client VPN SSTP pl: Klient VPN SSTP nb: SSTP VPN-klient fur: Client VPN SSTP uk: Клієнт VPN SSTP id: Klien VPN SSTP cs: Klient SSTP VPN C: SSTP VPN client eu: SSTP VPN bezeroa pt-BR: Cliente VPN SSTP sr-Latn: SSTP VPN klijent ka: SSTP VPN კლიენტი nl: SSTP-VPN-cliënt da: SSTP-VPN-klient hr: SSTP VPN klijent Summary: es: Cliente para redes privadas virtuales SSTP lv: SSTP virtuālā privātā tīkla klients sv: Klient för SSTP virtuella privata nätverk it: Client per reti private virtuali SSTP ca: Client per a xarxes privades virtuals SSTP pl: Klient dla wirtualnych sieci prywatnych SSTP nb: Klient for SSTP virtuelle private nettverk fur: Client pes rêts privadis virtuâls SSTP uk: Клієнт для віртуальних приватних мереж SSTP id: Klien untuk virtual private network SSTP cs: Klient pro virtuální privátní sítě SSTP C: Client for SSTP virtual private networks eu: SSTP sare birtual pribatuetarako bezeroa pt-BR: Cliente para redes privadas virtuais SSTP sr-Latn: Klijent za SSTP virtuelne privatne mreže ka: SSTP ვირტუალური პირადი ქსელების კლიენტი nl: Cliënt voor SSTP-virtuele privénetwerken da: Klient til virtuelle private SSTP-netværk hr: Klijent za SSTP virtualne privatne mreže Description: nb: >-

Støtte for å konfigurere SSTP virtuelle private netverkstilkoblinger.

Kompatibel med tjenere som følger SSTP-spesifikasjonen inklusive Microsoft tjenere.

uk: >-

Підтримка налаштовування з'єднань із віртуальними приватними мережами SSTP.

Сумісність із серверами, які відповідають специфікації SSTP, зокрема серверами Microsoft.

id: >-

Dukungan bagi penataan koneksi virtual private network SSTP.

Kompatibel dengan berbagai server yang mengikuti spesifikasi SSTP termasuk server Microsoft.

cs: >-

Podpora konfigurace připojení virtuálních privátních sítí SSTP.

Kompatibilní se servery splňujícími specifikaci SSTP, včetně těch od firmy Microsoft.

pl: >-

Obsługa konfigurowania połączeń wirtualnych sieci prywatnych SSTP.

Zgodne z serwerami używającymi specyfikacji SSTP, w tym firmy Microsoft.

pt-BR: >-

Suporte a configuração conexões de rede privada virtual SSTP.

Compatível com servidores que seguem a especificação SSTP incluindo os servidores da Microsoft.

hr: >-

Podrška za podešavanje SSTP virtualna privatna mrežna povezivanja.

Kompatibilno s poslužiteljima koji slijede SSTP specifikacije uključujući Microsoft poslužitelje.

sv: >-

Stöd för att konfigurera SSTP virtuella privata nätverksanslutningar.

Kompatibel med servrar som följer SSTP-specifikationen inklusive Microsoft-servrarna.

C: >-

Support for configuring SSTP virtual private network connections.

Compatible with servers following the SSTP specification including the Microsoft servers.

es: >-

Soporte para configurar conexiones a redes privadas virtuales SSTP.

Compatible con servidores que sigan la especificación SSTP, incluyendo los de Microsoft.

da: >-

Understøttelse af konfigurering af virtuelle private SSTP-netværksforbindelser.

Kompatibel med servere som følger SSTP-specifikationen inklusive Microsoft.

eu: >-

SSTP sare birtual pribatuetako konexioak konfiguratzeko euskarria.

Bateragarria SSTP espezifikazioa jarraitzen duten zerbitzariekin, Microsoft zerbitzariekin barne.

Developer: name: es: Los desarrolladores de NetworkManager lv: NetworkManager izstrādātāji sv: Utvecklarna av Nätverkshanteraren it: Gli sviluppatori di NetworkManager ca: Els desenvolupadors del NetworkManager pl: Programiści projektu NetworkManager nb: NetworkManager Utviklere fur: I svilupadôrs di NetworkManager uk: Розробники NetworkManager id: Para Pengembang NetworkManager cs: Vývojáři softwaru NetworkManager C: The NetworkManager Developers eu: NetworkManager aplikazioaren garatzaileak pt-BR: Os desenvolvedores do NetworkManager sr-Latn: Programeri Upravnika mreže ka: NetworkManager-ის პროგრამისტები nl: De NetworkManager-ontwikkelaars da: Udviklerne af Netværkshåndtering hr: Razvijatelji Mrežnog upravitelja Keywords: C: - network - manager - NetworkManager - connection - VPN - SSTP Url: homepage: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/network-manager-sstp bugtracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/network-manager-sstp/-/issues Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: The main configuration page nb: Ingen konfigurasjonsvalg for VPN thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-sstp/84680f20e2f72ba30e55eec2136a52db/screenshots/image-1_624x588@1.png width: 624 height: 588 - url: n/ne/network-manager-sstp/84680f20e2f72ba30e55eec2136a52db/screenshots/image-1_224x211@1.png width: 224 height: 211 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-sstp/84680f20e2f72ba30e55eec2136a52db/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 632 height: 596 - caption: C: The advanced options dialog nb: Avanserte alternativer for SSTP thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-sstp/84680f20e2f72ba30e55eec2136a52db/screenshots/image-2_224x287@1.png width: 224 height: 287 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-sstp/84680f20e2f72ba30e55eec2136a52db/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 538 height: 690 Languages: - locale: bs percentage: 31 - locale: ca percentage: 46 - locale: cs percentage: 95 - locale: da percentage: 98 - locale: de percentage: 95 - locale: el percentage: 32 - locale: en_US percentage: 100 - locale: es percentage: 95 - locale: eu percentage: 98 - locale: fr percentage: 31 - locale: fur percentage: 45 - locale: gl percentage: 31 - locale: hr percentage: 98 - locale: hu percentage: 50 - locale: id percentage: 98 - locale: it percentage: 45 - locale: ja percentage: 25 - locale: ka percentage: 50 - locale: lt percentage: 96 - locale: lv percentage: 45 - locale: nb percentage: 100 - locale: nl percentage: 45 - locale: oc percentage: 31 - locale: pl percentage: 98 - locale: pt percentage: 31 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 98 - locale: ru percentage: 69 - locale: sl percentage: 50 - locale: sr percentage: 96 - locale: sr@latin percentage: 45 - locale: sv percentage: 98 - locale: tr percentage: 98 - locale: uk percentage: 98 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 96 --- Type: desktop-application ID: R.desktop Package: r-base-core Name: C: R Summary: C: R software environment for statistical computing and graphics Description: C: >-

R is a system for statistical computation and graphics. It consists of a language plus a run-time environment with graphics, a debugger, access to certain system functions, and the ability to run programs stored in script files.

The design of R has been heavily influenced by two existing languages: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S and Sussman's Scheme. Whereas the resulting language is very similar in appearance to S, the underlying implementation and semantics are derived from Scheme.

The core of R is an interpreted computer language which allows branching and looping as well as modular programming using functions. Most of the user-visible functions in R are written in R. It is possible for the user to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or FORTRAN languages for efficiency, and many of R's core functions do so. The R distribution contains functionality for a large number of statistical procedures and underlying applied math computations. There is also a large set of functions which provide a flexible graphical environment for creating various kinds of data presentations.

Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'.

This package provides the core GNU R system from which only the optional documentation packages r-base-html, r-doc-html, r-doc-pdf and r-doc-info have been split off to somewhat reduce the size of this package.

en: >-

R is a system for statistical computation and graphics. It consists of a language plus a run-time environment with graphics, a debugger, access to certain system functions, and the ability to run programs stored in script files.

The design of R has been heavily influenced by two existing languages: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S and Sussman's Scheme. Whereas the resulting language is very similar in appearance to S, the underlying implementation and semantics are derived from Scheme.

The core of R is an interpreted computer language which allows branching and looping as well as modular programming using functions. Most of the user-visible functions in R are written in R. It is possible for the user to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or FORTRAN languages for efficiency, and many of R's core functions do so. The R distribution contains functionality for a large number of statistical procedures and underlying applied math computations. There is also a large set of functions which provide a flexible graphical environment for creating various kinds of data presentations.

Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'.

This package provides the core GNU R system from which only the optional documentation packages r-base-html, r-doc-html, r-doc-pdf and r-doc-info have been split off to somewhat reduce the size of this package.

Categories: - Graphics - Science - Math Icon: cached: - name: r-base-core_rlogo_icon.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: r-base-core_rlogo_icon.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: r-base-core_rlogo_icon.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: r/r./r.desktop/3b40d13d9ccc606c1e5e352c98b2a21d/icons/128x128/r-base-core_rlogo_icon.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: rlogo_icon Launchable: desktop-id: - R.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xsok.desktop Package: xsok Name: C: Xsokoban Summary: C: Sokoban game for X11 de: Sokobanspiel für X11 Description: uk: >-

xsok — стратегічна гра для однієї людини, розширення відомої гри Sokoban.

Мета Sokoban — перемістити усі об’єкти на кожному рівні в задані місця за допомогою миші чи клавіатури. На деяких рівнях є різні типи об’єктів та клітини зі спеціальними ефектами.

fr: >-

Xsok est un jeu de stratégie à un seul joueur, un sur-ensemble du jeu bien connu Sokoban.

Le but de Sokoban est de pousser des objets dans la zone cible de chaque niveau en utilisant la souris ou les flèches du clavier. Pour les autres sous-ensembles de niveau, il existe différentes sortes d’objet, et des carrés spéciaux à effets.

ko: >-

xsok은 싱글 플레이어 전략 게임으로 잘 알려진 Sokoban 게임의 슈퍼셋입니다.

Sokoban의 목표는 마우스나 화살표 키를 사용해서 모든 객체를 각 레벨의 점수 영역에 밀어 넣는 것 입니다. 다른 경우의 서브세트 경우에는, 다양한 종류의 객체와 특수 효과 사각형이 있습니다.

de: >-

xsok ist ein Strategiespiel für einen Spieler. Es ist eine erweiterte Version des bekannten Sokoban-Spiels.

Das Ziel von Sokoban ist es, mittels Maus oder den Pfeiltasten alle Objekte in die Punktebereiche eines jeden Levels zu schieben. Bei anderen Level-Abschnitten gibt es verschiedene Arten an Objekten und spezielle Quadrate, die Effekte auslösen.

pt_BR: >-

xsok é um jogo de estratégia individual, uma extensão do conhecido jogo Sokoban.

O objetivo do Sokoban é empurrar todos os objetos para dentro de uma área demarcada por nível usando o mouse ou as setas. Para os outros subconjuntos de níveis, existem diferentes tipos de objetos, e quadrados com efeitos especiais.

ja: >-

xsok は、シングルプレイヤー戦略ゲームであり、有名な倉庫番 ゲームのスーパーセットです。

倉庫番の目的は、マウスや矢印キーを使って全ての荷物を各レベルの 得点領域に押し込むことです。他のレベルのサブセットでは、異なる荷物 があったり、特殊効果を持つますが存在したりします。

pl: >-

xsok to gra strategiczna dla jednego gracza, stanowiąca nadzbiór znanej gry Sokoban.

Celem gry Sokoban jest wepchnięcie wszystkich obiektów do obszaru punktacji na każdym poziomie za pomocą myszy lub klawiszy strzałek. Dla podzbiorów innych poziomów dostępne są różne rodzaje obiektów oraz kwadraty z efektami specjalnymi.

it: >-

xsok è un gioco solitario di strategia, un sostituto del noto gioco Sokoban.

Lo scopo in Sokoban è di spingere tutti gli oggetti nell'area dei punti per ogni livello utilizzando il mouse o i tasti freccia. Per ogni livello ci sono diverse tipologie di oggetti e quadrati con effetti speciali.

ru: >-

xsok — стратегическая игра для одного человека, расширение известной игры Sokoban.

Цель Sokoban — переместить все объекты на каждом уровне в заданные места при помощи мыши или клавиатуры. На некоторых уровнях есть разные типы объектов и клетки со специальными эффектами.

C: >-

xsok is a single player strategic game, a superset of the well-known Sokoban game.

The target of Sokoban is to push all the objects into the score area of each level using the mouse or the arrow keys. For the other level subsets, there are different kinds of objects, and special effect squares.

da: >-

xsok er et strategispil for en spiller, et supersæt af det velkendte Sokobanspil.

Målet i Sokoban er at skubbe alle objekterne ind i pointområdet på hvert niveau med brug af musen eller piletasterne. For de andre niveauundersæt er der forskellige slags objekter og specielle effektfirkanter.

en: >-

xsok is a single player strategic game, a superset of the well-known Sokoban game.

The target of Sokoban is to push all the objects into the score area of each level using the mouse or the arrow keys. For the other level subsets, there are different kinds of objects, and special effect squares.

Categories: - Game - LogicGame Keywords: C: - sokoban - logic - puzzle Icon: cached: - name: xsok_xsok.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xsok_xsok.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: x/xs/xsok.desktop/35ccbc1ed03f4a71cefee7a4e42ebbf5/icons/128x128/xsok_xsok.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: xsok Launchable: desktop-id: - xsok.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.shotcut.Shotcut Package: shotcut ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-only Name: C: Shotcut Summary: C: Video editor Description: C: >-

Shotcut is a free and open-source cross-platform video editing application for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Shotcut supports many video, audio, and image formats via FFmpeg and screen, webcam, and audio capture. It uses a time-line for non-linear video editing of multiple tracks that may be composed of various file formats. Scrubbing and transport control are assisted by OpenGL GPU-based processing and a number of video and audio filters are available.

Developer: name: C: Meltytech, LLC Categories: - AudioVideo - Video - AudioVideoEditing Keywords: C: - video - audio - editing - suite - mlt - 4k - video4linux - blackmagic - decklink Url: homepage: https://www.shotcut.org/ bugtracker: https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut/issues/ help: https://www.shotcut.org/tutorials/ translate: https://www.transifex.com/ddennedy/shotcut/ faq: https://www.shotcut.org/FAQ/ Icon: cached: - name: shotcut_org.shotcut.Shotcut.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: shotcut_org.shotcut.Shotcut.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: shotcut_org.shotcut.Shotcut.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/icons/128x128/shotcut_org.shotcut.Shotcut.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.shotcut.Shotcut Launchable: desktop-id: - org.shotcut.Shotcut.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/vnd.mlt+xml - application/ogg - application/x-ogg - audio/ogg - audio/x-vorbis - audio/x-vorbis+ogg - video/ogg - video/x-ogm+ogg - video/x-theora+ogg - video/x-theora - audio/x-speex - audio/opus - application/x-flac - audio/flac - audio/x-flac - audio/x-ms-asf - audio/x-ms-asx - audio/x-ms-wax - audio/x-ms-wma - video/x-ms-asf - video/x-ms-asf-plugin - video/x-ms-asx - video/x-ms-wm - video/x-ms-wmv - video/x-ms-wmx - video/x-ms-wvx - video/x-msvideo - audio/x-pn-windows-acm - video/divx - video/msvideo - video/vnd.divx - video/x-avi - application/vnd.rn-realmedia - application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio - audio/x-pn-realaudio - audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin - audio/x-real-audio - audio/x-realaudio - video/vnd.rn-realvideo - audio/mpeg - audio/mpg - audio/mp1 - audio/mp2 - audio/mp3 - audio/x-mp1 - audio/x-mp2 - audio/x-mp3 - audio/x-mpeg - audio/x-mpg - video/mp2t - video/mpeg - video/mpeg-system - video/x-mpeg - video/x-mpeg2 - video/x-mpeg-system - application/mpeg4-iod - application/mpeg4-muxcodetable - application/x-extension-m4a - application/x-extension-mp4 - audio/aac - audio/m4a - audio/mp4 - audio/x-m4a - audio/x-aac - video/mp4 - video/mp4v-es - video/x-m4v - application/x-quicktime-media-link - application/x-quicktimeplayer - video/quicktime - application/x-matroska - audio/x-matroska - video/x-matroska - video/webm - audio/webm - audio/3gpp - audio/3gpp2 - audio/AMR - audio/AMR-WB - audio/amr - audio/amr-wb - video/3gp - video/3gpp - video/3gpp2 - x-scheme-handler/mms - x-scheme-handler/mmsh - x-scheme-handler/rtsp - x-scheme-handler/rtp - x-scheme-handler/rtmp - x-scheme-handler/icy - x-scheme-handler/icyx - x-content/video-vcd - x-content/video-svcd - x-content/video-dvd - x-content/audio-cdda - x-content/audio-player - application/x-cd-image - application/ram - application/xspf+xml - audio/mpegurl - audio/x-mpegurl - audio/scpls - audio/x-scpls - text/google-video-pointer - text/x-google-video-pointer - video/vnd.mpegurl - application/vnd.apple.mpegurl - application/vnd.ms-asf - application/vnd.ms-wpl - application/sdp - audio/dv - video/dv - audio/x-aiff - audio/x-pn-aiff - video/x-anim - video/x-nsv - video/fli - video/flv - video/x-flc - video/x-fli - video/x-flv - audio/wav - audio/x-pn-au - audio/x-pn-wav - audio/x-wav - audio/ac3 - audio/eac3 - audio/vnd.dts - audio/vnd.dts.hd - audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.1 - audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.2 - audio/vnd.dolby.mlp - audio/basic - audio/midi - audio/x-ape - audio/x-gsm - audio/x-musepack - audio/x-tta - audio/x-wavpack - audio/x-shorten - application/x-shockwave-flash - application/x-flash-video - misc/ultravox - image/vnd.rn-realpix - audio/x-it - audio/x-mod - audio/x-s3m - audio/x-xm - application/mxf Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: Wide Format Support thumbnails: - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-1_1248x770@1.png width: 1248 height: 770 - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-1_752x464@1.png width: 752 height: 464 - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-1_624x385@1.png width: 624 height: 385 - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-1_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1282 height: 792 - caption: C: Audio Features thumbnails: - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-2_624x423@1.png width: 624 height: 423 - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-2_224x152@1.png width: 224 height: 152 source-image: url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 736 height: 500 - caption: C: Video Effects thumbnails: - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-3_752x629@1.png width: 752 height: 629 - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-3_624x522@1.png width: 624 height: 522 - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-3_224x187@1.png width: 224 height: 187 source-image: url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 957 height: 801 - caption: C: Editing Features thumbnails: - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-4_224x86@1.png width: 224 height: 86 source-image: url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-4_orig.png width: 765 height: 297 - caption: C: Display and Monitoring thumbnails: - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-5_624x325@1.png width: 624 height: 325 - url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-5_224x116@1.png width: 224 height: 116 source-image: url: org/shotcut/Shotcut/3c41ca2ae66123f7ba32fc76a2d2b7b8/screenshots/image-5_orig.png width: 800 height: 417 Releases: - version: 24.11.20 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1732060800 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: sync.desktop Package: sync-ui Name: nl: Synchronisatie es: Sincronizador sv: Synkronisering en_US: Sync en_GB: Sync fi: Synkkaus ca: Sincronització it: Sincronizzazione ja: 同期化 sk: Synchronizovať de: Synchronisation fr: Synchronisation pl: Synchronizuj ro: Sincronizare zh_TW: 同步 ast: Sincronizador C: Sync id: Selaraskan pt_BR: Sincronização zh_CN: 同步 ar: تزامن hu: Szinkronizálás ko: 동기화 da: Synkronisering gl: Sincronizar ru: Синхронизация Summary: nl: Niet veroudert es: Al día sv: Uppdaterad en_US: Up to date en_GB: Up to date fi: Ajantasalla ca: Actualitzat it: Aggiornato ja: 最新の情報に更新 tr: Güncel de: Aktuell bleiben fr: À jour pl: Aktualny ro: La zi zh_TW: 已是最新 ast: Al día C: Up to date id: Terkini pt_BR: Atualizado zh_CN: 同步数据 ar: محتلن hu: Friss ko: 최신 da: Fuldt opdatereret gl: Actualizado ru: Обновлено Description: C: >-

SyncEvolution synchronizes contact, calendar and task items via SyncML and CalDAV/CardDAV with other servers or devices. It uses the Evolution Data Server to sync PIM data in Evolution, but a plain file storage is also supported. Data exchange can happen via HTTP(S) and Bluetooth. Full, one-way and incremental synchronization of items are supported. SyncEvolution can act as a SyncML/DAV client and SyncML server.

This package provides a GTK+ graphical user interface.

en: >-

SyncEvolution synchronizes contact, calendar and task items via SyncML and CalDAV/CardDAV with other servers or devices. It uses the Evolution Data Server to sync PIM data in Evolution, but a plain file storage is also supported. Data exchange can happen via HTTP(S) and Bluetooth. Full, one-way and incremental synchronization of items are supported. SyncEvolution can act as a SyncML/DAV client and SyncML server.

This package provides a GTK+ graphical user interface.

Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: sync-ui_sync.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: sync-ui_sync.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: sync Launchable: desktop-id: - sync.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ua.com.smart-pattern.valentina Package: valentina Name: C: Valentina Summary: C: Creating pattern of clothes uk: Створеня викрійок одягу Description: C: >-

Valentina is a pattern drafting software tool for small-batch and custom-sized clothing manufacturing.

Valentina allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing, using either standard sizing tables or an individual’s set of measurements. It blends new technologies with traditional methods to create a unique pattern making tool.

The "tape" executable is provided as "valentina-tape", and the "puzzle" executable is provided as "valentina-puzzle".

en: >-

Valentina is a pattern drafting software tool for small-batch and custom-sized clothing manufacturing.

Valentina allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing, using either standard sizing tables or an individual’s set of measurements. It blends new technologies with traditional methods to create a unique pattern making tool.

The "tape" executable is provided as "valentina-tape", and the "puzzle" executable is provided as "valentina-puzzle".

Categories: - Graphics - VectorGraphics - 2DGraphics - Engineering - FileTools - Utility Keywords: C: - pattern Icon: cached: - name: valentina_valentina.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: valentina_valentina.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: valentina_valentina.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: ua/com/smart-pattern.valentina/ed556ad9f1962544055e131c3e97db2c/icons/128x128/valentina_valentina.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: valentina Launchable: desktop-id: - ua.com.smart-pattern.valentina.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-valentina-pattern --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Loupe Package: loupe ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later Name: zh-Hant-TW: 影像檢視器 kab: Ameẓray n tugniwin vi: Bộ xem ảnh he: מציג תמונות fur: Visualizadôr imagjins eu: Irudi-ikustailea ka: სურათების გალერეა eo: Bildo-Vidilo nb: Bildevisning de: Bildbetrachter be-Cyrl: Праглядальнік выяў bg: Преглед на изображения oc: Visionador d'imatges pt: Visualizador de imagens ro: Vizualizator imagini pt-BR: Visualizador de imagens gl: Visor de imaxes fa: نمایشگر تصویر ru: Просмотрщик изображений el: Πρόγραμμα προβολής εικόνων C: Image Viewer uk: Перегляд зображень kk-Cyrl: Суреттер көрсетушісі fr: Visionneur d’images lt: Paveikslėlių žiūryklė sv: Bildvisare sk: Prehliadač obrázkov da: Billedfremviser ca: Visualitzador d'imatges it: Visualizzatore immagini ko: 그림 보기 es: Visor de imágenes ne: छवि प्रदर्शक sl: Pregledovalnik slik sr-Cyrl: Прегледач слика tr: Resim Görüntüleyici id: Penampil Gambar zh-Hans-CN: 图像查看器 rw: Amashusho hi: Image Viewer fi: Kuvakatselin ar: عارض الصور lv: Attēla skatītājs pl: Przeglądarka obrazów pa: ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦਰਸ਼ਕ hu: Képmegjelenítő ie: Visor de images nl: Afbeeldingsweergave en-GB: Image Viewer th: โปรแกรมดูภาพ cs: Prohlížeč obrázků Summary: zh-Hant-TW: 檢視各種影像檔案 kab: Sken tugniwin vi: Xem ảnh he: מציג תמונות fur: Visualize imagjins eu: Ikusi irudiak ka: სურათების დათვალიერება eo: Vidi bildojn nb: Se på bilder de: Bilder betrachten be-Cyrl: Прагляд выяў bg: Преглед на изображения oc: Afichar los imatges pt: Ver imagens ro: Vizualizează imaginile pt-BR: Ver imagens gl: Ver imaxes fa: دیدن تصویرها ru: Просмотр изображений el: Προβολή εικόνων C: View images uk: Перегляд зображень kk-Cyrl: Суреттерді қарау fr: Visionner des images lt: Žiūrėti paveikslėlius sv: Visa bilder sk: Zobraziť obrázky da: Få vist billeder ca: Visualitza les imatges it: Visualizza immagini ko: 그림을 봅니다 es: Ver imágenes ne: छवि हेर्नुहोस् sl: Pregledovalnik slik sr-Cyrl: Прегледај слике tr: Resimleri göster id: Lihat gambar zh-Hans-CN: 查看图像 rw: Reba amafoto hi: छवियां देखें fi: Katsele kuvia ar: طالع الصور lv: Skatīt attēlus pl: Przeglądanie obrazów pa: ਚਿੱਤਰ ਵੇਖੋ hu: Képek megtekintése ie: Vider images nl: Bekijk afbeeldingen en-GB: View images th: ดูภาพต่างๆ cs: Prohlížejte si obrázky Description: he: >-

דפדוף בתמונות ובנתוני התמונות שלך עם:

zh-Hant-TW: >-


eu: >-

Arakatu irudiak eta begiratu beren metadatuak honekin:

kab: >-

Inig deg tugniwin-ik, tsewḍeḍ aɣefisefka-nsent:

fur: >-

Sgarfe tra lis tôs imagjins e ispezione i lôr metadâts cun:

vi: >-

Duyệt xem ảnh của bạn và xem siêu dữ liệu của chúng với:

ka: >-

დაათვალიერეთ თქვენი სურათები და მათი მეტამონაცემები:

nb: >-

Bla gjennom bildene dine og se informasjon om dem med:

cs: >-

Procházejte své obrázky a kontrolujte jejich metadata s pomocí:

de: >-

Durchstöbern Sie Ihre Bilder und sehen Sie deren Metadaten ein mit:

oc: >-

Navegatz demest vòstres imatges e d’examinatz lors metadonadas :

pt: >-

Navegue pelas suas imagens e inspecione os seus metadados com:

gl: >-

Explore as súas imaxes e inspeccione os seus metadatos con:

pt-BR: >-

Navegue por suas imagens e inspecione seus metadados com:

ro: >-

Navigați prin imagini și inspectați datele meta cu:

fa: >-

مرور تصویرها و بازرسی فراداده‌هایشان با:

ru: >-

Просматривайте свои изображения и проверяйте их метаданные с помощью:

el: >-

Περιηγηθείτε στις εικόνες σας και επιθεωρήστε τα μεταδεδομένα τους με:

uk: >-

Здійснюйте навігацію вашими зображеннями і переглядайте їхні метадані за допомогою:

C: >-

Browse through your images and inspect their metadata with:

kk-Cyrl: >-

Суреттеріңізді қарап шығу және олардың метадеректерін келесімен тексеру:

fr: >-

Parcourir des images et inspecter leurs métadonnées avec :

lt: >-

Naršykite savo paveikslėlius ir peržiūrėkite jų metaduomenis su:

sv: >-

Bläddra genom dina bilder och inspektera deras metadata med:

sk: >-

Prechádzajte svoje obrázky a kontrolujte ich metadáta pomocou:

ca: >-

Navegueu a través de les vostres imatges i inspeccioneu les seves metadades amb:

be-Cyrl: >-

Прагляд выяў і іх метаданых з наступнымі магчымасцямі:

da: >-

Gennemse dine billeder og inspicér deres metadata med:

it: >-

Sfogliare le proprie immagini e ispezionare i loro metadati con:

es: >-

Explorar sus imágenes e inspeccionar sus metadatos con:

ar: >-

تصفح صورك وتفقد البيانات الوصفية مع:

ko: >-

그림을 탐색하고 메타데이터를 살펴봅니다:

ne: >-

तपाईंको छविहरू मार्फत ब्राउज गर्नुहोस् र उनीहरूको मेटाडाटानिरीक्षण गर्नुहोस्:

sl: >-

Brskanje med slikami in preverjanje metapodatkov z:

bg: >-

Прегледайте вашите изображения и проверете техните метаданни с:

tr: >-

Resimlerinize göz atın ve üst verilerini şunlarla inceleyin:

sr-Cyrl: >-

Прегледајте ваше слике и погледајте метаподатке са:

rw: >-

Zenguruka mu mashusho yawe maze urebe amakuru ayerekeye na:

zh-Hans-CN: >-


fi: >-

Selaa kuvia ja tutki niiden metatietoja:

id: >-

Jelajahi gambar Anda dan periksa metadata gambar tersebut:

hi: >-

अपनी छवियों को ब्राउज़ करें और उनके मेटाडेटा का निरीक्षण करें:

hu: >-

Böngésszen a képek között, és vizsgálja meg a metaadataikat a következőkkel:

lv: >-

Pārlūkojiet savus attēlus un apskatiet to metadatus ar:

pa: >-

ਆਪਣੇ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਝਲਕ ਵੇਖੋ ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟੇ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਇਸ ਨਾਲ ਕਰੋ:

ie: >-

Navigar vor images e inspecter lor metadata con:

pl: >-

Przeglądanie obrazów i ich metadanych z:

en-GB: >-

Browse through your images and inspect their metadata with:

eo: >-

Foliumi viajn bildojn kaj inspekti iliajn metadatumojn per:

nl: >-

Blader door uw afbeeldingen en bekijk hun metagegevens met:

ProjectGroup: GNOME Developer: id: org.gnome name: C: The GNOME Project Categories: - Graphics - Viewer - GTK - GNOME Keywords: he: - תמונה - תמונות - הצגה - גרפיקה - מציג תמונות - לופ fur: - Imagjin - Figure - Grafiche - Loupe eu: - Argazkia - Grafikoak - Loupe kab: - Tugna - Ulifen - Loupe ka: - სურათი - გრაფიკა - ლუპა nb: - Bilder - Fotografi - Galleri - Grafikk - Loupe de: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - Bild - Foto - Grafik - Loupe oc: - Imatge - grafisme - Loupe gl: - Imaxes - Gráficos - Loupe pt: - Imagem - Grafismos - Gráficos - Loupe be: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - Выява - Відарыс - Малюнак - Графіка pt-BR: - Imagem - Foto - Imagens - Fotos - Gráfico - Loupe fa: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - نگاره - نگاشتار - لوپ - عکس - تصویر ru: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - Изображение - Графика el: - Εικόνα - Γραφικά - Loupe zh-CN: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - 图片 - 图像 - 照片 - 图形 - 放大镜 - 查看器 - 观察器 fr: - Image - Graphiques - Loupe uk: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - зображення - картинка - графіка - перегляд - зображення - лупе da: - Billede - Grafik - Loupe C: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe lt: - Paveikslėlis - Grafika - Loupe ca: - Imatge - Gràfics - Loupe sk: - Obrázok - Grafika - Loupe ro: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - Imagine - Grafice - Lupă sv: - Bild - Grafik - Loupe ko: - Picture - 사진 - 그림 - Graphics - 그래픽 - Loupe - 루페 es: - Imagen - Gráficos - Loupe ar: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - رسوميات - صور - عدسة - لوب it: - Immagine - Fotografia - Grafica - Immagini - Loupe hi: - चित्र - चित्रोपमा - Loupe sl: - Picture - Slideshow - Graphics - slika - diaprojekcija - projekcija - grafika - pregledovalnik slik - lupa - loupe bg: - изображение - картина - графика - picture - graphics - loupe cs: - Obrázek - Obrázky - Snímek - Snímky - Grafika - Loupe id: - Gambar - Grafis - Loupe ne: - तस्वीर - ' ग्राफिक्स' - ' लुप' fi: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - kuva - grafiikka sr: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - Слика - Графика - Лупа - Slika - Grafika - Lupa lv: - Attēls - Grafika - Loupe en-GB: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe hu: - Fénykép - Kép - Grafika - Loupe pl: - Obraz - Obrazy - Obrazek - Obrazki - Grafika - Grafiki - Przeglądarka obrazów - Zdjęcie - Zdjęcia - Fotografia - Fotografie - Loupe kk: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - Сурет - Графика th: - รูปภาพ - กราฟิก - Loupe nl: - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - Foto - Grafisch - Afbeeldingsweergave - Afbeeldingsviewer tr: - Image Viewer - Picture - Graphics - Loupe - Resim - Fotoğraf - Grafikler - Görseller - Görüntüleyici Url: homepage: https://apps.gnome.org/Loupe/ bugtracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/loupe/issues translate: https://l10n.gnome.org/module/loupe/ vcs-browser: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/loupe donation: https://www.gnome.org/donate/ contribute: https://welcome.gnome.org/app/Loupe/ Icon: cached: - name: loupe_org.gnome.Loupe.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: loupe_org.gnome.Loupe.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: loupe_org.gnome.Loupe.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/icons/128x128/loupe_org.gnome.Loupe.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gnome.Loupe Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gnome.Loupe.desktop Requires: - display_length: 360 Recommends: - control: keyboard - control: pointing - control: touch Provides: binaries: - loupe mediatypes: - image/jpeg - image/png - image/gif - image/webp - image/tiff - image/x-tga - image/vnd-ms.dds - image/x-dds - image/bmp - image/vnd.microsoft.icon - image/vnd.radiance - image/x-exr - image/x-portable-bitmap - image/x-portable-graymap - image/x-portable-pixmap - image/x-portable-anymap - image/x-qoi - image/qoi - image/svg+xml - image/svg+xml-compressed - image/avif - image/heic - image/jxl Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-1_752x542@1.png width: 752 height: 542 - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-1_624x450@1.png width: 624 height: 450 - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-1_224x161@1.png width: 224 height: 161 source-image: url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 862 height: 622 - thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-2_752x542@1.png width: 752 height: 542 - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-2_624x450@1.png width: 624 height: 450 - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-2_224x161@1.png width: 224 height: 161 source-image: url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 862 height: 622 - thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-3_752x542@1.png width: 752 height: 542 - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-3_624x450@1.png width: 624 height: 450 - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-3_224x161@1.png width: 224 height: 161 source-image: url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 862 height: 622 - thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-4_752x542@1.png width: 752 height: 542 - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-4_624x450@1.png width: 624 height: 450 - url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-4_224x161@1.png width: 224 height: 161 source-image: url: org/gnome/Loupe/d533d8fe63f4643a53e65d80c076f9c7/screenshots/image-4_orig.png width: 862 height: 622 Languages: - locale: ar percentage: 69 - locale: be percentage: 79 - locale: bg percentage: 77 - locale: ca percentage: 79 - locale: cs percentage: 78 - locale: da percentage: 76 - locale: de percentage: 77 - locale: el percentage: 76 - locale: en_GB percentage: 77 - locale: en_US percentage: 100 - locale: eo percentage: 62 - locale: es percentage: 76 - locale: eu percentage: 76 - locale: fa percentage: 78 - locale: fi percentage: 77 - locale: fr percentage: 76 - locale: fur percentage: 69 - locale: gl percentage: 77 - locale: he percentage: 79 - locale: hi percentage: 76 - locale: hu percentage: 76 - locale: id percentage: 76 - locale: ie percentage: 63 - locale: it percentage: 97 - locale: ka percentage: 76 - locale: kab percentage: 68 - locale: kk percentage: 68 - locale: ko percentage: 76 - locale: lt percentage: 77 - locale: lv percentage: 68 - locale: nb percentage: 77 - locale: ne percentage: 69 - locale: nl percentage: 77 - locale: oc percentage: 97 - locale: pa percentage: 63 - locale: pl percentage: 77 - locale: pt percentage: 77 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 97 - locale: ro percentage: 69 - locale: ru percentage: 97 - locale: rw percentage: 62 - locale: sk percentage: 76 - locale: sl percentage: 100 - locale: sr percentage: 77 - locale: sv percentage: 76 - locale: th percentage: 49 - locale: tr percentage: 79 - locale: uk percentage: 77 - locale: vi percentage: 63 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 76 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 63 Branding: colors: - type: primary scheme-preference: light value: '#eb77bc' - type: primary scheme-preference: dark value: '#944a76' Releases: - version: 48.beta type: stable unix-timestamp: 1738281600 description: C: >-

This release adds image editing support for PNGs and JPEGs. Images can be cropped, rotated, and flipped. New zoom controls allow setting a specific zoom level and features a more compact style. Support for additional metadata formats like XMP and new image information fields have been added as well.

- version: '47.1' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1729036800 description: C: >-

This release fixes issues withloading .svgz (compressed SVG) files.

- version: '47.0' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1726185600 description: C: >-

Rotating an image will now write the new orientation to the image files. For now, this feature is only supported for JPEG files. Aditionally, several user interface elements have been updated to more recent design patterns.

- version: '46.2' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1712620800 description: C: >-

This releases fixed problems with fractional scaling and the output of long exposure times in the image properties. It also makes the page orientation selection in the print preview dialog functional. It also adresses issues with loading some SVGs containing text when using Loupe outside of Flatpak.

ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kleopatra.desktop Package: kleopatra ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: Kleopatra eu: Kleopatra nds: Kleopatra zh-TW: Kleopatra ka: Kleopatra nb: Kleopatra de: Kleopatra ia: Kleopatra gl: Kleopatra pt: Kleopatra pt-BR: Kleopatra ro: Kleopatra zh-CN: Kleopatra ru: Kleopatra el: Kleopatra fr: Kleopatra C: Kleopatra da: Kleopatra uk: Kleopatra lt: Kleopatra ca: Kleopatra sk: Kleopatra sv: Kleopatra ast: Kleopatra ko: Kleopatra es: Kleopatra ar: كليوبترا it: Kleopatra sl: Kleopatra bg: Kleopatra id: Kleopatra cs: Kleopatra tr: Kleopatra fi: Kleopatra bs: Kleopatra et: Kleopatra pl: Kleopatra en-GB: Kleopatra ca-valencia: Kleopatra hu: Kleopatra eo: Kleopatra nl: Kleopatra Summary: uk: Засіб для керування сертифікатами і криптографії es: Gestor de certificados y aplicación de criptografía sv: Certifikathanterare och kryptografiprogram zh-TW: 憑證管理與加密應用程式 fi: Varmenteenhallinta- ja salaussovellus ca: Aplicació de gestió de certificats i criptografia it: Gestore di certificati e applicazione di crittografia en-GB: Certificate manager and cryptography app tr: Sertifika Yöneticisi ve Şifreleme Uygulaması de: Zertifikatsverwaltung und Kryptografie-App ca-valencia: Aplicació de gestió de certificats i criptografia fr: Gestionnaire de certificats et application pour le chiffrement pl: Aplikacja do certyfikatów i kryptografii ia: Gerente de certificato e app de cryptographia he: יישום ניהול אישורים וקריפטוגרפיה C: Certificate manager and cryptography app sl: Upravljalnik potrdil in aplikacija kriptografije eo: Atestil-administrilo kaj kriptografia apo bg: Мениджър на сертификати и приложение за криптография eu: Ziurtagiri-kudeatzailea eta kriptografia aplikazioa zh-CN: 证书管理器和加密应用程序 ko: 인증서 관리자와 암호화 앱 ka: სერტიფიკატების მმართველი და კრიპტოგრაფიის აპი nl: Certificaatbeheerer en toepassing voor cryptografie gl: Xestor de certificados e aplicación de criptografía. ru: Управление сертификатами и приложение для шифрования Description: sv: >-

Kleopatra är en certifikathanterare och ett universellt grafiskt användargränssnitt för krypto. Den stöder hantering av OpenPGP- och S/MIME-certifikat och krypterar filer och text.

es: >-

Kleopatra es un gestor de certificados e interfaz gráfica universal de cifrado. Reconoce certificados OpenPGP y S/MIME, y permite cifrar archivos y texto.

ru: >-

Kleopatra — диспетчер сертификатов и универсальный графический интерфейс к криптографическим алгоритмам. Программа позволяет управлять сертификатами OpenPGP и S/MIME и шифровать файлы и текст.

en-GB: >-

Kleopatra is a certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI. It supports managing OpenPGP and S/MIME certificates and encrypts files and text.

ca: >-

El Kleopatra és un gestor de certificats i interfície gràfica d'usuari de criptografia universal. Permet la gestió dels certificats OpenPGP i S/MIME i encripta fitxers i text.

it: >-

Kleopatra è un gestore di certificati ed un'interfaccia grafica universale per la cifratura. Supporta la gestione di certificati OpenPGP ed S/MIME e cifra file e testo.

ca-valencia: >-

Kleopatra és un gestor de certificats i interfície gràfica d'usuari de criptografia universal. Permet la gestió dels certificats OpenPGP i S/MIME i encripta fitxers i text.

tr: >-

Kleopatra bir sertifika yöneticisi ve birleşik şifreleme arayüzüdür. OpenPGP ve S/MIME sertifikalarını yönetmeyi destekler ve dosyaları ve metinleri şifreler.

pl: >-

Kleopatra jest programem do zarządzania certyfikatami i graficznej obsługi kryptografii. Może zarządzać certyfikatami OpenPGP oraz S/MIME, a także szyfrować pliki i tekst.

fi: >-

Kleopatra on yhdistetty varmenteiden hallinnan ja salauksen käyttöliittymä. Se tukee OpenPGP- ja S/MIME-varmenteita ja tiedostojen ja tekstin salaamista.

fr: >-

Kleopatra est un gestionnaire de certificats et une interface graphique universelle. Il prend en charge la gestion des certificats « OpenPGP » et « S / MIME » et permet le chiffrement de fichiers et de texte.

de: >-

Kleopatra ist eine Zertifikatsverwaltung und universelle Krypto-App. Sie unterstützt die Verwaltung von OpenPGP- und S/MIME Zertifikaten und verschlüsselt/prüft sowohl Dateien oder Ordner als auch Text.

ia: >-

Kleopatra es un gerente de certificato e un GUI universal de cryptar. Illo supporta gestion de certificato S/MIME e OpenPGP e crypta files e texto.

C: >-

Kleopatra is a certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI. It supports managing OpenPGP and S/MIME certificates and encrypts files and text.

uk: >-

Kleopatra — графічний інтерфейс засобів керування сертифікатами та шифрування. У програмі передбачено можливості з керування сертифікатами OpenPGP та S/MIME і з шифрування файлів та тексту.

bg: >-

Kleopatra е мениджър на сертификати и универсален графичен потребителски интерфейс за криптография. Той поддържа управление на S/MIME и OpenPGP сертификати и може да криптира файлове и текст.

sl: >-

Kleopatra je upravljalnik potrdil in enoten šifrirni vmesnik. Podpira rokovanje s potrdili OpenPGP in S/MIME in šifrira datoteke in besedila.

eu: >-

Kleopatra ziurtagiri kudeatzaile bat eta zifratzeko GUI bateratu bat da. OpenPGP eta S/MIME ziurtagiriak kudeatzeko euskarria du eta fitxategiak eta testuak zifratzen ditu.

zh-CN: >-

Kleopatra 是一款证书管理器和通用加密 GUI。它支持管理 OpenPGP 和 S/MIME 证书,并加密文件和文本。

he: >-

Kleopatra הוא מנהל אישורים וממשק משתמש אוניברסלי לקריפטוגרפיה. הוא תומך בניהול אישורי OpenPGP ו־S/MIME ומצפין קבצים וטקסט.

ko: >-

Kleopatra는 인증서 관리자와 범용 암호화 GUI입니다. OpenPGP 및 S/MIME 인증서를 관리하고, 파일과 텍스트를 암호화할 수 있습니다.

ka: >-

Kleopatra სერტიფიკატების მმართველი და კრიპტოგრაფიის უნივერსალური ინტერფეისია. მას OpenPGP და S/MIME სერტიფიკატების მართვისა და ფაილებისა და ტექსტის დაშიფვრის მხარდაჭერა აქვს.

nl: >-

Kleopatra is een certificaatbeheerder en een universele crypto GUI. Deze ondersteunt het beheer van OpenPGP en S/MIME certificaten versleutelt bestanden en tekst.

gl: >-

Kleopatra é un xestor de certificados e unha interface gráfica universal de criptografía. Permite xestionar certificados OpenPGP e S/MIME e cifra ficheiros e texto.

ProjectGroup: KDE Developer: id: org.kde name: C: KDE Categories: - Utility Url: homepage: https://apps.kde.org/kleopatra/ bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=kleopatra help: https://docs.kde.org/?application=kleopatra vcs-browser: https://invent.kde.org/pim/kleopatra donation: https://www.kde.org/community/donations/?app=kleopatra&source=appdata Icon: cached: - name: kleopatra_kleopatra.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: kleopatra_kleopatra.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kleopatra_kleopatra.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/2f86d8f585db3c4a8357a848b91a0489/icons/128x128/kleopatra_kleopatra.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: kleopatra Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.kleopatra.desktop Provides: binaries: - kleopatra Screenshots: - default: true caption: he: סקירת אישורים ב־Kleopatra eu: Ziurtagirien ikuspegi orokorra «Kleopatra»n zh-TW: Kleopatra 中的憑證概覽 ka: სერტიფიკატების მიმოხილვა Kleopatra-ში de: Zertifikats-Übersicht in Kleopatra ia: Vista general de certificato in Kleopatra pt: Visão geral dos certificados no Kleopatra gl: Resumo de certificado en Kleopatra. pt-BR: Visualização de certificado no Kleopatra zh-CN: 在 Kleopatra 中进行证书概览 ru: Просмотр сертификата в программе Kleopatra el: Επισκόπηση πιστοποιητικών στην Kleopatra fr: Aperçu de certificat dans Kleopatra C: Certificate overview in Kleopatra uk: Огляд сертифіката у Kleopatra lt: Liudijimo apžvalga programoje Kleopatra ca: Resum del certificat al Kleopatra sk: Prehľad certifikátov v Kleopatra sv: Certifikatöversikt i Kleopatra ko: Kleopatra로 인증서 관리 es: Vista general de certificados en Kleopatra it: Panoramica dei certificati in Kleopatra sl: Pregled potrdil v programu Kleopatra bg: Преглед на сертификатите в Kleopatra id: Ikhtisar sertifikat di Kleopatra cs: Přehled certifikátů v aplikaci Kleopatra tr: Kleopatra’da sertifika genel görünümü fi: Varmenteen yleiskuva Kleopatrassa et: Sertifikaadi ülevaade Kleopatras pl: Przegląd certyfikatów w Kleopatrze en-GB: Certificate overview in Kleopatra ca-valencia: Resum del certificat en Kleopatra hu: Tanúsítvány áttekintése a Kleopatraban eo: Atestila superrigardo en Kleopatra nl: Overzicht van certificaten in Kleopatra thumbnails: - url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/2f86d8f585db3c4a8357a848b91a0489/screenshots/image-1_752x554@1.png width: 752 height: 554 - url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/2f86d8f585db3c4a8357a848b91a0489/screenshots/image-1_624x460@1.png width: 624 height: 460 - url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/2f86d8f585db3c4a8357a848b91a0489/screenshots/image-1_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/2f86d8f585db3c4a8357a848b91a0489/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1064 height: 785 - default: true caption: uk: Переглядач зашифрованих повідомлень у Kleopatra es: Visor de mensajes cifrados en Kleopatra sv: Krypterad brevvisning i Kleopatra zh-TW: Kleopatra 中的加密信件檢視器 ko: Kleopatra의 암호화된 이메일 뷰어 en-GB: Encrypted email viewer in Kleopatra ca: Visualitzador de correus encriptats en el Kleopatra it: Visualizzatore di messaggi posta elettronica cifrati in Kleopatra ca-valencia: Visor de correus encriptats en Kleopatra tr: Kleopatra’daki şifreli e-posta görüntüleyicisi de: Anzeige für verschlüsselte E-Mails in Kleopatra fi: Salatun sähköpostin katselin Kleopatrassa fr: Afficheur de courriel chiffré dans Kleopatra pl: Przeglądarka zaszyfrowanej poczty w Kleopatrze ia: Visor de epoista cryptate in Kleopatra he: מציג דוא״ל מוצפן ב־Kleopatra C: Encrypted email viewer in Kleopatra id: Penampil email yang dienkripsi di Kleopatra cs: Prohlížeč šifrovaných e-mailů v aplikaci Kleopatra bg: Преглед на криптирани имейли в Kleopatra sl: Pregledovalnik šifrirane e-pošte v Kleopatri eo: Ĉifrita retpoŝt-vidilo en Kleopatra eu: Zifratutako e-posta ikustailea «Kleopatra»n zh-CN: Kleopatra 中的加密电子邮件查看器 hu: Titkosított e-mail megjelenítése a Kleopatrában ka: დაშიფრული ელფოსტის დათვალიერება Kleopatra-ში nl: Viewer van versleutelde e-mail in Kleopatra gl: Visor de mensaxes de correo electrónico cifradas en Kleopatra. ru: Просмотр зашифрованного письма в программе Kleopatra thumbnails: - url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/2f86d8f585db3c4a8357a848b91a0489/screenshots/image-2_624x634@1.png width: 624 height: 634 - url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/2f86d8f585db3c4a8357a848b91a0489/screenshots/image-2_224x227@1.png width: 224 height: 227 source-image: url: org/kde/kleopatra.desktop/2f86d8f585db3c4a8357a848b91a0489/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 738 height: 751 Releases: - version: type: stable unix-timestamp: 1738800000 - version: type: stable unix-timestamp: 1736380800 - version: type: stable unix-timestamp: 1733961600 - version: type: stable unix-timestamp: 1730937600 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kwatchgnupg Package: kleopatra Name: uk: Переглядач журналу GnuPG es: Visor de registros de GnuPG sv: GnuPG-loggvisning zh-TW: GnuPG 紀錄檢視器 fi: GnuPG-lokikatselin ca: Visualitzador del registre del GnuPG it: Visualizzatore log di GnuPG en-GB: GnuPG Log Viewer tr: GnuPG Günlüğü Görüntüleyicisi de: GnuPG Protokollanzeige ca-valencia: Visor del registre de GnuPG fr: Afficheur de journaux de GnuPG pl: Przeglądarka dziennika GnuPG ia: Visor de registro GnuPG he: מציג יומני GnuPG C: GnuPG Log Viewer sl: Pregledovalnik dnevnika GnuPG eo: GnuPG Log Viewer bg: Преглед на журнал на GnuPG eu: GnuPG egunkari ikustailea zh-CN: GnuPG日志查看器 ko: GnuPG 로그 뷰어 ka: GnuPG-ის ჟურნალის ნახვა nl: GnuPG-logviewer gl: Visor de rexistros de GnuPG ru: Просмотр журнала GnuPG Summary: uk: Засіб перегляду для фонової служби GnuPG та журналів програм es: Visor para el servicio GnuPG y los registros de la aplicación sv: Visning för GnuPG-demon och programloggar zh-TW: GnuPG 伺服程式與應用程式日誌的檢視器 fi: GnuPG-palvelun ja sovelluksen lokien katselin ca: Visualitzador dels registres del dimoni i les aplicacions GnuPG it: Visualizzatore di registri per il demone e l'applicazione GnuPG en-GB: Viewer for GnuPG daemon and application logs tr: GnuPG ardalan süreci ve uygulama günlükleri için görüntüleyici de: Betrachter für GnuPG Daemon- und Anwendungs-Logs ca-valencia: Visor dels registres del dimoni i les aplicacions GnuPG fr: Afficheur pour le démon de GnuPG et les journaux d'applications pl: Przeglądarka dla usługi GnuPG oraz dziennika aplikacji ia: Visor per demon de GnuPG e registros de application he: מציג יומנים של סוכן GnuPG ושל היישום C: Viewer for GnuPG daemon and application logs sl: Pregledovalnik za demona GnuPG in dnevnike aplikacij eo: Vidilo por GnuPG-demono kaj aplikajn protokolojn bg: Преглед на GnuPG демон и журнали на приложения eu: GnuPG daimonaren eta aplikazioaren egunkari-ikustailea zh-CN: GnuPG 守护进程和应用程序日志查看器 ko: GnuPG 데몬과 앱 로그 뷰어 ka: დამთვალიერებელი GnuPG დემონისა და აპლიკაციის ჟურნალისთვის nl: Viewer voor GnuPG-daemon en logs van toepassingen gl: Visor de rexistros da aplicación e o servizo de GnuPG. ru: Средство просмотра журнала управляющей программы и приложения GnuPG Description: C: >-

Kleopatra is a certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI. It supports managing X.509 and OpenPGP certificates in the GpgSM keybox and retrieving certificates from LDAP servers.

en: >-

Kleopatra is a certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI. It supports managing X.509 and OpenPGP certificates in the GpgSM keybox and retrieving certificates from LDAP servers.

Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: kleopatra_org.kde.kwatchgnupg.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: kleopatra_org.kde.kwatchgnupg.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kleopatra_org.kde.kwatchgnupg.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/kwatchgnupg/55799809f30ab32df8555c2e850935b5/icons/128x128/kleopatra_org.kde.kwatchgnupg.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.kde.kwatchgnupg Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.kwatchgnupg.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: deepin-album.desktop Package: deepin-album Name: bo: གཏིང་ཚད་པར་ཁུག zh_CN: 深度相册 pt_BR: deepin Álbum de: Deepin Album gl_ES: Álbum Deepin ms: Album Deepin ro: Deepin Album pt: Álbum Deepin hr: Deepin Album ru: Альбом Deepin hi_IN: दीपिन एल्बम fr: Album Deepin en_AU: Deepin Album da: Deepin album C: Deepin Album ca: Àlbum del Deepin uk: Альбом Deepin zh_HK: Deepin 相冊 ast: Deepin Album sq: Album Deepin br: Albom Deepin it: Deepin Album es: Álbum ar: إلبوم ديبين ko: Deepin 앨범 ne: दीपिन एल्बम ug: Deepin ئالبوم tr: Deepin Albüm cs: Album sr: Дипин Албум fi: Deepin Albumi et: Deepin Album pl: Album Deepin hu: Deepin Album nl: Deepin Album zh_TW: Deepin 相簿 Summary: bo: གཏིང་ཚད་པར་ཁུག zh_CN: 深度相册 pt_BR: deepin Álbum de: Deepin Album gl_ES: Álbum Deepin ms: Album Deepin ro: Deepin Album pt: Álbum Deepin hr: Deepin Album ru: Альбом Deepin hi_IN: दीपिन एल्बम fr: Album Deepin en_AU: Deepin Album da: Deepin album C: Deepin Album ca: Àlbum del Deepin uk: Альбом Deepin zh_HK: Deepin 相冊 ast: Deepin Album sq: Album Deepin br: Albom Deepin it: Deepin Album es: Álbum ar: إلبوم ديبين ko: Deepin 앨범 ne: दीपिन एल्बम ug: Deepin ئالبوم tr: Deepin Albüm cs: Album sr: Дипин Албум fi: Deepin Albumi et: Deepin Album pl: Album Deepin hu: Deepin Album nl: Deepin Album zh_TW: Deepin 相簿 Description: C: >-

Deepin-album is a fashion photo manager for viewing and organizing pictures. deepin-album supports command line, mouse drag method to import photos. deepin-album supports single browsing and timeline browsing modes.

en: >-

Deepin-album is a fashion photo manager for viewing and organizing pictures. deepin-album supports command line, mouse drag method to import photos. deepin-album supports single browsing and timeline browsing modes.

Categories: - Graphics Keywords: C: - Image - Viewer - Jpg - Jpeg - Png zh_CN: - Image - Viewer - Jpg - Jpeg - Png Icon: cached: - name: deepin-album_deepin-album.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: deepin-album_deepin-album.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: deepin-album_deepin-album.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/de/deepin-album.desktop/2b72ecc0404e77c220e9160bc09f3a01/icons/128x128/deepin-album_deepin-album.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: deepin-album Launchable: desktop-id: - deepin-album.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - image/bmp - image/bmp24 - image/ico - image/jpg - image/jpe - image/jpeg - image/jpeg24 - image/jng - image/pcd - image/pcx - image/png - image/tga - image/tif - image/tiff - image/tiff24 - image/psd - image/xpm - image/dds - image/gif - image/sgi - image/j2k - image/jp2 - image/pct - image/webp - image/wdp - image/cr2 - image/pef - image/arw - image/nef - image/icb - image/dng - image/vda - image/vst - image/raf - image/orf - image/svg - image/ptif - image/mef - image/mrw - image/xbm - image/svg+xml - application/ogg - application/vnd.apple.mpegurl - application/vnd.rn-realmedia - application/x-extension-mp4 - application/x-flac - application/x-matroska - application/x-ogg - application/xspf+xml - image/vnd.rn-realpix - misc/ultravox - video/3gpp - video/dv - video/mp2t - video/mp4 - video/mp4v-es - video/mpeg - video/msvideo - video/ogg - video/quicktime - video/vnd.rn-realvideo - video/webm - video/x-anim - video/x-avi - video/x-flc - video/x-fli - video/x-flv - video/x-m4v - video/x-matroska - video/x-mpeg - video/x-mpeg2 - video/x-ms-afs - video/x-ms-asf - video/x-msvideo - video/x-ms-wmv - video/x-ms-wmx - video/x-ms-wvxvideo - video/x-nsv - video/x-ogm+ogg - video/x-theora - video/x-theora+ogg - x-content/video-dvd - x-content/video-svcd - x-content/video-vcd - x-scheme-handler/mms - x-scheme-handler/rtmp - x-scheme-handler/rtsp - application/mxf - text/vnd.qt.linguist --- Type: console-application ID: org.freedesktop.appstream.generator Package: appstream-generator ProjectLicense: LGPL-3.0+ Name: C: AppStream Generator Summary: C: A fast AppStream metadata generator Description: C: >-

AppStream is a metadata specification which permits software components to provide information about themselves to automated systems and end-users before the software is actually installed.

The appstream-generator tool generates AppStream metadata from the repositories of a software distribution. It currently supports the following repository formats / distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, RPM-MD (Fedora, Mageia).

The generator will produce AppStream catalog metadata files in the AppStream YAML or XML format to be shipped to users, as well as a detailed HTML report about found components and HTML and JSON reports on issues detected with the scanned metadata. It reads .desktop files as well as metainfo files, renders fonts, scales images, caches screenshots etc. to produce high-quality metadata for AppStream based software centers to consume. Usually, appstream-generator is integrated with the existing software build & packaging workflow of a distribution.

ProjectGroup: Freedesktop Url: homepage: https://github.com/ximion/appstream-generator bugtracker: https://github.com/ximion/appstream-generator/issues help: https://github.com/ximion/appstream-generator/blob/master/docs/index.md Provides: binaries: - appstream-generator Releases: - version: 0.9.1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1699660800 description: C: >-

This release adds the following features:

This release fixes the following bugs:

This release includes the following changes:

With contributions from:

Gleb Popov, Heather Ellsworth, Matthias Klumpp, Pablo Correa Gómez

- version: 0.9.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1674691200 description: C: >-

This release adds the following feature:

This release updates documentation:

This release fixes the following bugs:

With contributions from:

Matthias Klumpp, Miroslav Suchý, Neal Gompa

- version: 0.8.8 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1649548800 description: C: >-

This release fixes the following bug:

With contributions from:

Matthias Klumpp

- version: 0.8.7 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1645488000 description: C: >-

This release fixes the following bugs:

ContentRating: oars-1.0: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: geophar.desktop Package: geophar Name: C: Geophar Summary: fr: Couteau suisse pour les amateurs de mathématiques C: Swiss-army knife for math enthusiasts Description: en: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

fr: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

en_GB: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

de: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

pt_BR: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

it: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

en_CA: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

ru: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

da: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

C: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

en_AU: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

Categories: - Science - Math - Education Icon: cached: - name: geophar_geophar.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: geophar Launchable: desktop-id: - geophar.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: cecilia.desktop Package: cecilia Name: C: cecilia Summary: C: Sound synthesis and audio signal processing environment Description: C: "

Cecilia is an audio signal processing environment. Cecilia lets you create \n your own GUI (grapher, sliders, toggles, popup menus) using a simple syntax. \n Cecilia comes with many original builtin modules for sound effects and synthesis.

" DeveloperName: C: Olivier Bélanger ProjectGroup: https://ajaxsoundstudio.com/software ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+ Categories: - Audio Keywords: C: - audio - sound - jack - editor Url: homepage: https://github.com/belangeo/cecilia5 bugtracker: https://github.com/belangeo/cecilia5/issues Icon: cached: - name: cecilia_cecilia.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: cecilia_cecilia.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: cecilia_cecilia.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: c/ce/cecilia.desktop/a4f2e426caf8dfdcd4abd6de19c973aa/icons/128x128/cecilia_cecilia.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: cecilia Launchable: desktop-id: - cecilia.desktop Provides: binaries: - cecilia --- Type: desktop-application ID: wordnet.desktop Package: wordnet-gui Name: C: WordNet Summary: C: electronic lexical database of English language Description: C: >-

WordNet(C) is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets.

WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator).

WordNet is considered to be the most important resource available to researchers in computational linguistics, text analysis, and many related areas.

This package contains a Tcl/Tk Gui to browse wordnet dictionary.

en: >-

WordNet(C) is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets.

WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator).

WordNet is considered to be the most important resource available to researchers in computational linguistics, text analysis, and many related areas.

This package contains a Tcl/Tk Gui to browse wordnet dictionary.

Categories: - Education - Dictionary Icon: cached: - name: wordnet-gui_wn.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: wn Launchable: desktop-id: - wordnet.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kongress.desktop Package: kongress ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+ Name: he: קונגרס eu: Kongress zh-TW: Kongress ka: Kongress de: Kongress ia: Kongress pt: Kongress nn: Kongress pt-BR: Kongress gl: Kongress zh-CN: Kongress ru: Kongress el: Kongress fr: Kongress C: Kongress da: Kongress uk: Kongress ca: Kongress sk: Kongress sv: Kongress ast: Kongress ko: Kongress es: Kongress ar: كونغرس it: Kongress sl: Kongress tr: Kongre cs: Kongress id: Kongress fi: Kongress et: Kongress lv: Kongress en-GB: Kongress ca-valencia: Kongress pl: Kongress pa: ਕੌਂਗਰਸ eo: Kongress nl: Kongress Summary: uk: Компаньйон для конференцій es: Complemento de conferencias sv: Konferenskompanjon en-GB: Conference companion ca: Auxiliar de congressos it: Applicazione di supporto per conferenze ca-valencia: Auxiliar de congressos tr: Konferans Eşlikçisi pl: Program do spotkań fr: Compagnon de conférences ia: Companion de conferentia fi: Konferenssikumppani C: Conference companion sl: Spremljevalec konference cs: Pomocník pro konference eo: Konferenc-akompananto he: יישום מלווה לכנסים eu: Konferentzietarako laguntzailea ar: مرافق المؤتمرات ko: 컨퍼런스 도우미 ka: კონფერენციის პარტნიორი nl: Compagnon van conferentie gl: Acompañamento para conferencias ru: Помощник для конференций Description: he: >-

קונגרס הוא יישום מלווה לכנסים שנוצר על ידי KDE

eu: >-

«Kongress» KDEk egindako konferentzietarako aplikazio laguntzaile bat da

zh-TW: >-

Kongresss 是 KDE 所做的研討會小幫手應用程式

ka: >-

Kongress პარტნიორი აპლიკაცია კონფერენციებისთვის, KDE-სგან

de: >-

Kongress ist eine Begleitanwendung für Konferenzen von KDE

ia: >-

Kongress es un application companion per conferentias facite per KDE

pt: >-

O Kongress é uma aplicação assistente para conferências criada pelo KDE

zh-CN: >-

Kongress 是一款 KDE 开发的会议助理应用

nn: >-

Kongress er ein konferanse­assistent frå KDE

gl: >-

Kongress é unha aplicación de acompañamento para conferencias organizadas por KDE.

pt-BR: >-

Kongress é uma aplicação assistente para conferências produzido pela KDE

el: >-

Το Kongress είναι μια εφαρμογή συνοδείας για συνέδρια που κατασκευάστηκε από το KDE

fr: >-

Kongress est une application de compagnon pour les conférences, réalisée par KDE.

uk: >-

Kongress — програма-компаньйон для конференцій, які проводить KDE

da: >-

Kongress er et ledsagerprogram til konferencer fra KDE

C: >-

Kongress is a companion application for conferences made by KDE

sv: >-

Kongress är ett kompanjonprogram för konferenser gjort av KDE

ca: >-

El Kongress és una aplicació auxiliar per als congressos fets per KDE

ru: >-

Kongress — приложение-помощник для конференций, созданное KDE

ko: >-

Kongress는 KDE에서 제작한 컨퍼런스 도우미 앱입니다

es: >-

Kongress es una aplicación complementaria para conferencias creada por KDE

ar: >-

كونغرس هو تطبيق مرافق للمؤتمرات أُنشئ بواسطة كيدي

it: >-

Kongress è un'applicazione di supporto per le conferenze realizzata da KDE

sl: >-

Kongress je spremljevalna aplikacija za konference, ki jo je izdelal KDE

tr: >-

Kongre, KDE tarafından yapılan konferanslara yardımcı olması için geliştirilmiş bir uygulamadır

id: >-

Kongress adalah aplikasi pendamping untuk konferensi yang dibuat oleh KDE

fi: >-

Kongress on KDE:n tekemä konferenssiavustajasovellus

lv: >-

„Kongress“ ir KDE izstrādāts konferenču kompanjons

en-GB: >-

Kongress is a companion application for conferences made by KDE

ca-valencia: >-

Kongress és una aplicació auxiliar per als congressos fets per KDE

pl: >-

Kongress jest programem do spotkań stworzony w ramach KDE

pa: >-

ਕੌਂਗਰਸ ਕੇਡੀਈ ਵਲੋਂ ਕਨਫਰੰਸਾਂ ਲਈ ਬਣਾਈ ਗਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ

eo: >-

Kongress estas akompana aplikaĵo por konferencoj fare de KDE

nl: >-

Kongress is de compagnon-toepassing voor conferenties, gemaakt door KDE

ProjectGroup: KDE Developer: id: org.kde name: C: KDE Categories: - Office Url: homepage: https://invent.kde.org/utilities/kongress bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Kongress Icon: cached: - name: kongress_org.kde.kongress.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: kongress_org.kde.kongress.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kongress_org.kde.kongress.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/kongress.desktop/1e60541052abf51066c83a591d6c9249/icons/128x128/kongress_org.kde.kongress.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.kde.kongress Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.kongress.desktop Provides: binaries: - kongress Screenshots: - default: true caption: he: קונגרס בנייד eu: «Kongress» mugikorrean zh-TW: 手機上的 Kongress ka: Kongress მობილურზე de: Kongress auf einem Mobilgerät ia: Kongress sur Mobile pt: O Kongress no Telemóvel nn: Kongress på mobil pt-BR: Kongress em aparelhos móveis gl: Kongress de móbil zh-CN: Kongress 移动版 ru: Kongress на мобильном устройстве el: Το Kongress στο κινητό fr: Kongress sur périphériques mobiles C: Kongress on Mobile da: Kongress på mobil uk: Kongress на мобільному ca: Kongress al mòbil sv: Kongress på mobil it: Kongress su dispositivo mobile es: Kongress para móviles ar: كونغرس على المحمول ko: 모바일 환경에서의 Kongress sl: Kongress na mobilcu tr: Taşınabilir aygıtlarda Kongre id: Kongress di Ponsel fi: Kongress mobiilissa lv: „Kongress“ viedierīcē en-GB: Kongress on Mobile ca-valencia: Kongress en el mòbil pl: Kongress Przenośny pa: ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਉੱਤੇ ਕੌਂਗਰਸ eo: Kongress sur Poŝtelefono nl: Kongress op mobiel thumbnails: - url: org/kde/kongress.desktop/1e60541052abf51066c83a591d6c9249/screenshots/image-1_224x372@1.png width: 224 height: 372 source-image: url: org/kde/kongress.desktop/1e60541052abf51066c83a591d6c9249/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 438 height: 728 - caption: he: קונגרס במחשב eu: «Kongress» mahaigainean zh-TW: 桌面上的 Kongress ka: Kongress კომპიუტერზე de: Kongress auf einer Arbeitsfläche ia: Kongress sur scriptorio pt: O Kongress no Computador nn: Kongress på skrivebordet pt-BR: Kongress no desktop gl: Kongress de escritorio zh-CN: Kongress 桌面版 ru: Kongress на настольном компьютере el: Το Kongress στον υπολογιστή fr: Kongress sur le bureau C: Kongress on Desktop da: Kongress på desktop uk: Kongress на робочій станції ca: Kongress a l'escriptori sv: Kongress på skrivbordet ko: 데스크톱 환경에서의 Kongress es: Kongress para el escritorio ar: كونغرس على سطح المكتب it: Kongress su desktop sl: Kongress na Namizju tr: Masaüstünde Kongre cs: Kongress na pracovní ploše id: Kongress di Desktop fi: Kongress työpöydällä lv: „Kongress“ datorā en-GB: Kongress on Desktop ca-valencia: Kongress en l'escriptori pl: Kongres Biurkowy pa: ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਉੱਤੇ ਕੌਂਗਰਸ eo: Kongress sur Labortablo nl: Kongress op bureaublad thumbnails: - url: org/kde/kongress.desktop/1e60541052abf51066c83a591d6c9249/screenshots/image-2_752x462@1.png width: 752 height: 462 - url: org/kde/kongress.desktop/1e60541052abf51066c83a591d6c9249/screenshots/image-2_624x384@1.png width: 624 height: 384 - url: org/kde/kongress.desktop/1e60541052abf51066c83a591d6c9249/screenshots/image-2_224x137@1.png width: 224 height: 137 source-image: url: org/kde/kongress.desktop/1e60541052abf51066c83a591d6c9249/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1170 height: 720 Releases: - version: 24.12.2 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1738800000 - version: 24.12.1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1736380800 - version: 24.12.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1733961600 - version: 24.08.3 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1730937600 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.settingsapp Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: הגדרות eu: Ezarpenak ca@valencia: Configuració ka: მორგება az: Ayarlar de: Einstellungen pt_BR: Configurações ia: Preferentias zh_CN: 设置 ro: Configurări nn: Innstillingar pt: Configuração ru: Настройка gl: Configuración fr: Configuration C: Settings is: Stillingar uk: Параметри ca: Configuració sk: Nastavenia sv: Inställningar ast: Configuración it: Impostazioni es: Preferencias ar: الإعدادات ko: 설정 sl: Nastavitve en_GB: Settings sa: सेटिंग्स् cs: Nastavení ta: அமைப்புகள் tr: Ayarlar fi: Asetukset lv: Iestatījumi hu: Beállítások pa: ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ pl: Ustawienia eo: Agordoj nl: Instellingen zh_TW: 設定 Summary: he: הגדרה מהירה ליישום ההגדרות לפלזמה לניידים eu: Ezarpen-aplikazioaren ezarpen azkarra Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Configuració ràpida de la configuració general per a Plasma Mobile ka: პარამეტრების აპლიკაციის სწრაფი მორგების პარამეტრი Plasma Mobile-სთვის zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的设置页面快捷设置 de: Schnelleinstellung der Einstellungen für Plasma Mobile pt_BR: Configurações rápidas do aplicativo de configurações para o Plasma Mobile ia: Preferentia rapide de Fixar applicationes per Plasma Mobile pt: Configuração rápida das definições do Plasma Mobile nn: Snøgginnstilling for innstillingar for Plasma Mobile gl: Opción rápida de aplicación de configuración para Plasma Mobile ru: Быстрая настройка приложения «Настройка» для Plasma Mobile fr: Configuration rapide de la configuration d'une application pour Plasma Mobile C: Settings application quick setting for Plasma Mobile is: Flýtistilling stillingaforrits fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Швидке налаштовування параметрів програм для Мобільної Плазми ca: Configuració ràpida de la configuració general per al Plasma Mobile sk: Rýchle nastavenia aplikácie Nastavenia sv: Snabbinställning av inställningsprogram för Plasma mobil it: Impostazione rapida dell'applicazione Impostazioni per Plasma Mobile es: Ajuste rápido de la aplicación de preferencias para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 설정 앱 빠른 설정 sl: Hitre nastavitve aplikacij za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Settings application quick setting for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते सेटिंग्स् अनुप्रयोगस्य त्वरितं सेटिंग् cs: Rychlá nastavení aplikací pro Plasma Mobile tr: Plasma Cep ayarlar uygulaması tez ayarı fi: Asetussovelluksen pika-asetus Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ iestatījumu programmas ātrie iestatījumi hu: Beállítások alkalmazás gyorsbeállítása a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਫ਼ੌਰੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ pl: Szybkie otwieranie ustawień aplikacji w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Agorda aplikaĵo rapida agordo por Plasma Mobile nl: Snelle instelling van toepassing voor instellingen voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的設定應用程式快速設定 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.settingsapp Icon: cached: - name: plasma-mobile_settings-configure.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-mobile_settings-configure.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-mobile_settings-configure.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/plasma.quicksetting.settingsapp/6f79090ebef371d91c8e4a1a357d61fa/icons/128x128/plasma-mobile_settings-configure.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: settings-configure --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobile.defaultNavigationPanel Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.0+ Name: uk: Типова панель навігації для мобільних es: Panel de navegación móvil predeterminado lv: Noklusējuma mobilās navigācijas panelis sv: Mobil standardnavigeringspanel en_GB: Default Mobile Navigation Panel fi: Mobiililn oletusnavigointipaneeli ca: Plafó de navegació predeterminat del mòbil it: Pannello di navigazione predefinito per dispositivi mobili he: לוח ניווט כברירת מחדל לנייד hu: Alapértelmezett mobil navigációs panel pl: Domyślny pasek poruszania się fr: Panneau par défaut de navigation pour périphériques mobiles ca@valencia: Quadro de navegació predeterminat del mòbil ia: Pannello de Navigation predefinite de Mobile sl: Privzeta postavitev za mobilne naprave C: Default Mobile Navigation Panel sa: पूर्वनिर्धारित मोबाईल नेविगेशन पैनल eo: Defaŭlta Poŝtelefona Navigpanelo nn: Standard mobil­navigasjonspanel zh_TW: 預設手機導覽面板 eu: Mugikorreko nabigatzeko panel lehenetsia zh_CN: 默认手机导航面板 tr: Öntanımlı Taşınabilir Dolaşım Paneli ko: 기본 모바일 탐색 패널 ka: ნაგულისხმევი მობილური ნავიგაციის პანელი nl: Standaard navigatiepaneel van mobiel gl: Panel de navegación predeterminado para móbil ru: Панель навигации по умолчанию для мобильных устройств Summary: uk: Типова панель навігації для мобільних es: Panel de navegación predeterminado para dispositivos móviles lv: Mobilās ierīces noklusējuma navigācijas panelis sv: Standardnavigeringspanel för mobil en_GB: Default navigation panel for mobile fi: Mobiilin oletusnavigointipaneeli ca: Plafó de navegació predeterminat per al mòbil it: Pannello di navigazione predefinito per dispositivi mobili he: לוח ניווט כברירת מחדל לנייד hu: Alapértelmezett navigációs panel mobilokhoz pl: Pasek poruszania się fr: Panneau par défaut de navigation pour périphériques mobiles ca@valencia: Quadro de navegació predeterminat per al mòbil ia: Pannello de Navigation predefinite per mobile sl: Privzeta krmilna plošča za mobilne naprave C: Default navigation panel for mobile sa: मोबाईलस्य कृते पूर्वनिर्धारितं नेविगेशनपटलम् eo: Defaŭlta navigpanelo por poŝtelefono nn: Standard navigasjonspanel for mobil zh_TW: 手機用的預設導覽面板 eu: Mugikorrerako nabigatzeko panel lehenetsia ta: கைபேசிக்கான இயல்பிருப்பு உலாவல் பட்டை tr: Cep için öntanımlı dolaşım paneli zh_CN: 手机的默认导航面板 ko: 모바일의 기본 탐색 패널 ka: ნაგულისხმევი ნავიგაციის პანელი მობილური მოწყობილობებისთვის nl: Standaard navigatiepaneel voor mobiel gl: Panel de navegación predeterminado para móbil ru: Панель навигации по умолчанию для мобильных устройств Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://www.kde.org/plasma-desktop donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobile.defaultNavigationPanel --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.flashlight Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: פנס eu: Esku-argia ca@valencia: Llum de flaix ka: ფანარი az: Fənər de: Taschenlampe pt_BR: Lanterna ia: Flashlight (luce de fulgure) zh_CN: 手电筒 ro: Lanternă nn: Lommelykt pt: Luz de Flash ru: Фонарик gl: Lanterna fr: Flashlight C: Flashlight is: Vasaljós uk: Спалах ca: Llum de flaix sk: Baterka sv: Ficklampa it: Torcia es: Linterna ar: مشعل كهربائي ko: 플래시 sl: Svetilka en_GB: Flashlight sa: टॉर्च cs: Světlo ta: கைவிளக்கு tr: El Feneri fi: Taskulamppu lv: Kabatas lukturītis hu: Zseblámpa pa: ਫਲੈਸ਼-ਲਾਈਟ pl: Latarka eo: Lanterno nl: Zaklamp zh_TW: 手電筒 Summary: he: הגדרה מהירה לפנס לפלזמה לניידים eu: Esku-argiaren ezarpen azkarra Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Configuració ràpida del llum de flaix per a Plasma Mobile ka: ფანარის სწრაფი მორგების პარამეტრი Plasma Mobile-სთვის zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的手电筒快捷设置 de: Taschenlampen-Schnelleinstellung für Plasma Mobile pt_BR: Configurações rápidas da lanterna para o Plasma Mobile ia: Preferentia rapide de Flashlight per Plasma Mobile pt: Configuração rápida da lanterna do Plasma Mobile nn: Snøgginnstilling for lommelykt for Plasma Mobile gl: Opción rápida de lanterna para Plasma Mobile ru: Быстрая настройка фонарика для Plasma Mobile fr: Configuration rapide de Flashlight pour Plasma Mobile C: Flashlight quick setting for Plasma Mobile is: Flýtistilling fyrir vasaljós fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Швидке налаштовування спалаху для Мобільної Плазми ca: Configuració ràpida del llum de flaix per al Plasma Mobile sk: Rýchle nastavenie baterky pre Plasma Mobile sv: Snabbinställning av ficklampa för Plasma mobil it: Impostazioni rapide della torcia per Plasma Mobile es: Ajuste rápido de la linterna para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 플래시 빠른 설정 sl: Hitre nastavitve svetilke za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Flashlight quick setting for Plasma Mobile tr: Plasma Cep el feneri tez ayarı sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते टॉर्चस्य द्रुतसेटिंग् fi: Taskulampun pika-asetus Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ kabatas lukturīša ātrie iestatījumi hu: Zseblámpa gyorsbeállítása a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਫ਼ਲੈਸ਼ਲਾਈਟ ਫ਼ੌਰੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ pl: Szybkie włączanie latarki w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Poŝlampo rapida agordo por Plasma Mobile nl: Snelle instelling van zaklamp voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的手電筒快速設定 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.flashlight Icon: cached: - name: plasma-mobile_flashlight-on.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-mobile_flashlight-on.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-mobile_flashlight-on.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/plasma.quicksetting.flashlight/f60e503251b4b0ef11b3d67a20d36357/icons/128x128/plasma-mobile_flashlight-on.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: flashlight-on --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.screenshot Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: צילום המסך eu: Pantaila-argazkia ca@valencia: Captura de pantalla ka: ეკრანის ანაბეჭდი az: Ekran şəkli de: Bildschirmfoto pt_BR: Captura de tela ia: Instantanee de schermo zh_CN: 屏幕截图 ro: Captură de ecran nn: Skjermbilete pt: Captura ru: Снимок экрана gl: Captura de pantalla fr: Copie d'écran C: Screenshot is: Skjámynd uk: Знімок вікна ca: Captura de pantalla sk: Snímka obrazovky sv: Skärmbild it: Schermata es: Captura de pantalla ar: لقطة شاشة ko: 스크린샷 sl: Slika zaslona en_GB: Screenshot sa: स्क्रीनशॉट cs: Snímek obrazovky ta: திரைப்பிடிப்பு tr: Ekran Görüntüsü fi: Ruutukaappaus lv: Ekrānattēls hu: Képernyőkép pa: ਸਕਰੀਨਸ਼ਾਟ pl: Zrzut ekranu eo: Ekrankopio nl: Schermafdruk zh_TW: 螢幕截圖 Summary: he: הגדרת צילום מסך מהירה לפלזמה לניידים eu: Pantaila-argazkietarako ezarpen azkarra Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Configuració ràpida de la captura de pantalla per a Plasma Mobile ka: ეკრანის ანაბეჭდის სწრაფი მორგების პარამეტრი Plasma Mobile-სთვის zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的屏幕截图快捷设置 de: Screenshot-Schnelleinstellung für Plasma Mobile pt_BR: Configurações rápidas de captura de tela para o Plasma Mobile ia: Preferentia rapide de Captura de Schermo per Plasma Mobile pt: Configuração rápida da captura do ecrã do Plasma Mobile nn: Snøgginnstilling for skjermbilete for Plasma Mobile gl: Opción rápida de captura de pantalla para Plasma Mobile ru: Быстрая настройка снимка экрана для Plasma Mobile fr: Configuration rapide des copies d'écran pour Plasma Mobile C: Screenshot quick setting for Plasma Mobile is: Flýtistilling skjámyndatöku fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Швидке встановлення знімка вікна для Мобільної Плазми ca: Configuració ràpida de la captura de pantalla per al Plasma Mobile sk: Rýchle nastavenia Snímky obrazovky pre Plasma Mobile sv: Snabbinställning av skärmbild för Plasma mobil it: Impostazione rapida delle schermate per Plasma Mobile es: Ajuste rápido de la captura de pantalla para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 스크린샷 빠른 설정 sl: Hitre nastavitve slike zaslona za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Screenshot quick setting for Plasma Mobile tr: Plasma Cep ekran görüntüsü tez ayarı sa: Plasma Mobile कृते स्क्रीनशॉट् द्रुतसेटिंग् fi: Ruutukaappauksen pika-asetus Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ ekrānattēlu ātrie iestatījumi hu: Képernyőkép gyorsbeállítása a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਸਕਰੀਨਸ਼ਾਟ ਫ਼ੌਰੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ pl: Szybkie wykonywanie zrzutu ekranu w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Ekrankopio rapida agordo por Plasma Mobile nl: Snelle instelling van schermafdruk voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的螢幕截圖快速設定 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.screenshot Icon: cached: - name: plasma-mobile_spectacle.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-mobile_spectacle.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-mobile_spectacle.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/plasma.quicksetting.screenshot/52962e5ceabc50ca2188f832364e23b4/icons/128x128/plasma-mobile_spectacle.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: spectacle --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.nightcolor Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0 Name: he: צבע לילה sl: Nočna barva eu: Gaueko kolorea ca@valencia: Color de nit az: Gecə rəngi ka: ღამის ფერი de: Nachtfarben pt_BR: Cor noturna ia: Color de Nocte zh_CN: 夜间色温 ro: Culoare nocturnă nn: Kvelds­fargar pt: Cor Nocturna ru: Ночная цветовая схема gl: Cor nocturna fr: Couleur de nuit C: Night Color is: Næturlitir da: Natfarver ca: Color de nit sk: Nočná farba sv: Nattfärg uk: Нічні кольори it: Colore notturno es: Color nocturno ar: لون ليلي ko: 야간 색상 hi: रात्रि के रंग en_GB: Night Colour sa: रात्रिवर्णः cs: Noční barva ta: இரவு நிறமாற்றம் tr: Gece Rengi fi: Yöväri lv: Nakts krāsa hu: Éjszakai színek pa: ਰਾਤ ਦੇ ਰੰਗ pl: Barwy nocne eo: Nokta Koloro nl: Nachtkleur zh_TW: 夜色 Summary: he: הגדרה מהירה לצבע לילה לפלזמה לניידים eu: Gaueko kolorearen ezarpen azkarra Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Configuració ràpida del color de nit per a Plasma Mobile ka: ღამის ფერების სწრაფი მორგების პარამეტრი Plasma Mobile-სთვის zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的夜间色温快捷设置 de: Nachtfarben-Schnelleinstellung für Plasma Mobile ia: Preferentia rapide de Color de Nocte per Plasma Mobile pt: Configuração rápida da cor nocturna do Plasma Mobile nn: Snøgginnstilling for kveldfargar for Plasma Mobile gl: Opción rápida de cor nocturna para Plasma Mobile ru: Быстрая настройка ночной цветовой схемы для Plasma Mobile fr: Configuration rapide de la couleur de nuit pour Plasma Mobile C: Night color quick setting for Plasma Mobile is: Flýtistilling næturlita fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Швидке налаштовування нічних кольорів для Мобільної Плазми ca: Configuració ràpida del color de nit per al Plasma Mobile sk: Rýchle nastavenie nočnej farby pre Plasma Mobile sv: Snabbinställning av nattfärg för Plasma mobil it: Impostazione rapida del colore notturno per Plasma Mobile es: Ajuste rápido para el color nocturno para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 야간 색상 빠른 설정 sl: Hitre nastavitve nočnih barv za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Night colour quick setting for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते रात्रौ रङ्गस्य द्रुतसेटिंग् tr: Plasma Cep gece rengi tez ayarı fi: Yövärin pika-asetus Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ nakts gaismas ātrie iestatījumi hu: Éjszakai színek gyorsbeállítása a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਰਾਤ ਦੇ ਰੰਗ ਫ਼ੌਰੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ pl: Szybkie włączanie barw nocnych w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Nokta koloro rapida agordo por Plasma Mobile nl: Snelle instelling voor nachtkleur voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的夜色模式快速設定 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Aleix Pol Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.nightcolor Icon: cached: - name: plasma-mobile_redshift-status-on.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-mobile_redshift-status-on.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-mobile_redshift-status-on.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/plasma.quicksetting.nightcolor/da3c9996fa3ae8ca06b4477287e43313/icons/128x128/plasma-mobile_redshift-status-on.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: redshift-status-on --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.time Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: זמן eu: Ordua ca@valencia: Hora ka: დრო zh_CN: 时间 de: Zeit ia: Tempore gl: Hora nn: Tid ru: Время fr: Heure C: Time is: Tími uk: Час ca: Hora sk: Čas sv: Tid it: Orario es: Hora ta: நேரம் ko: 시간 sl: Čas en_GB: Time sa: कालः cs: Čas ar: الوقت tr: Zaman fi: Aika lv: Laiks hu: Idő pa: ਸਮਾਂ pl: Czas eo: Tempo nl: Tijd zh_TW: 時間 Summary: he: מודול הפעלה ראשונית של השעה לפלזמה לניידים eu: Orduaren hasierako abio modulua Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Mòdul de començament inicial de l'hora per a Plasma Mobile ka: Plasma Mobile-ის საწყისი გაშვების მოდული zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的时间模块初始化 de: Zeit-Einrichtungsmodul für Plasma Mobile ia: Modulo initialstar de tempore per Plasma Mobile gl: Módulo de inicio de hora para Plasma Mobile nn: Tid-initialstart-modul for Plasma Mobile ru: Модуль времени начального запуска для Plasma Mobile fr: Module « initialstart » d'heure pour Plasma Mobile C: Time initialstart module for Plasma Mobile is: Time initialstart-eining fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Модуль часу початкового запуску для мобільної Плазми ca: Mòdul de començament inicial de l'hora per al Plasma Mobile sk: Časový počiatočný spúšťací modul pre Plasma Mobile sv: Tid förstagångsstart för Plasma mobil it: Modulo di avvio iniziale dell'orario per Plasma Mobile es: Módulo de hora del primer inicio para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 시간 첫 시작 모듈 sl: Čas začetnega zagona za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Time initial start module for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते समयः initialstart मॉड्यूलः tr: Plasma Cep için zaman ayarları başlangıç modülü fi: Ajan pika-aloitusmoduuli Plasma Mobileen lv: Mainīt „Plasma Mobile“ sākotnējās palaišanas moduļa laiku hu: Idő elsőindítás modul a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਸਮਾਂ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤੀ ਮੋਡੀਊਲ pl: Człon czasu początków w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Tempo komenca startmodulo por Plasma Mobile nl: Tijd van initiële startmodule voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的時間初始設定模組 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.time --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.powermenu Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0 Name: he: תפריט כיבוי eu: Energia menua ca@valencia: Menú d'iniciada ka: კვების მენიუ az: Güc menyusu de: Energieeinstellungen pt_BR: Menu de energia ia: Menu de Potentia zh_CN: 电源菜单 ro: Meniu avansat pt: Menu de Energia nn: På/av-meny gl: Menú de enerxía ru: Меню питания fr: Menu « Énergie » C: Power Menu is: Orkuvalmynd uk: Меню живлення ca: Menú d'engegada sk: Ponuka napájania sv: Strömmeny it: Menu accensione es: Menú de energía ta: ஆற்றல் பட்டி ko: 전원 메뉴 hi: शक्ती मेन्यू en_GB: Power Menu sa: शक्ति मेनू sl: Meni energije tr: Güç Menüsü fi: Virranhallintavalikko lv: Energokontroles izvēlne hu: Energia menü pa: ਪਾਵਰ ਮੇਨੂ pl: Menu zasilania eo: Potenca Menuo nl: Energiemenu zh_TW: 電源選單 Summary: he: הגדרה מהירה לתפריט כיבוי לפלזמה לניידים eu: Energia-menuaren ezarpen azkarra Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Configuració ràpida del menú d'iniciada per a Plasma Mobile ka: კვების მენიუს სწრაფი მორგების პარამეტრი Plasma Mobile-სთვის zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的电源菜单快捷设置 de: Energie-Schnelleinstellung für Plasma Mobile ia: Preferentia rapide de Menu de Energia per Plasma Mobile pt: Configuração rápida do menu de energia do Plasma Mobile nn: Snøgginnstilling for på/av-meny for Plasma Mobile gl: Opción rápida do menú de enerxía para Plasma Mobile ru: Быстрая настройка меню питания для Plasma Mobile fr: Configuration rapide pour le menu de gestion de l'énergie pour Plasma Mobile C: Power menu quick setting for Plasma Mobile is: Flýtistilling fyrir orkuvalmynd fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Швидке налаштовування меню живлення для Мобільної Плазми ca: Configuració ràpida del menú d'engegada per al Plasma Mobile sk: Rýchle nastavenie ponuky napájania pre Plasma Mobile sv: Snabbinställning av effektmeny för Plasma mobil it: Impostazioni rapide del menu di alimentazione per Plasma Mobile es: Ajuste rápido del menú de energía para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 전원 메뉴 빠른 설정 sl: Hitre nastavitve porabe energije za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Power menu quick setting for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते पावर मेनू त्वरित सेटिंग् tr: Plasma Cep güç menüsü tez ayarı fi: Virranhallintavalikon pika-asetus Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ energokontroles izvēlnes ātrie iestatījumi hu: Energiakezelés menü gyorsbeállítása a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਪਾਵਰ ਮੇਨੂ ਫ਼ੌਰੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ pl: Szybkie otwieranie menu zasilania w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Potenca menuo rapida agordo por Plasma Mobile nl: Snelle instelling energiemenu voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的電源選單快速設定 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.powermenu Icon: cached: - name: plasma-mobile_system-shutdown-symbolic.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-mobile_system-shutdown-symbolic.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-mobile_system-shutdown-symbolic.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/plasma.quicksetting.powermenu/e62217bd3d3cde0e81fc515ed23a501a/icons/128x128/plasma-mobile_system-shutdown-symbolic.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-shutdown-symbolic --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.prepare Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: הכנה eu: Prestatu ca@valencia: Preparació ka: მომზადება zh_CN: 准备 de: Vorbereiten ia: Prepara.. gl: Preparación nn: Førebu ru: Подготовка fr: Préparer C: Prepare is: Undirbúa uk: Приготування ca: Preparació sk: Pripraviť sv: Förbered it: Prepara es: Preparar ta: தயாராகிறது ko: 준비 sl: Pripravi en_GB: Prepare sa: सज्जी करोतु cs: Připravit tr: Hazırlan fi: Valmistele lv: Sagatavot hu: Előkészítés pa: ਤਿਆਰੀ pl: Przygotuj eo: Prepari nl: Voorbereiden zh_TW: 準備 Summary: he: מודול הפעלה ראשונית של הכנה לפלזמה לניידים eu: Prestatu hasierako abio modulua Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Mòdul de començament inicial de preparació per a Plasma Mobile ka: Plasma Mobile-ის საწყისი გაშვების მომზადება zh_CN: 准备 Plasma Mobile 的模块初始化 de: Einrichtungsmodul für Plasma Mobile vorbereiten ia: Prepara modulo initialstart per Plasma Mobile gl: Módulo de inicio de preparación para Plasma Mobile nn: Førebu initialstart-modul for Plasma Mobile ru: Модуль подготовки начального запуска для Plasma Mobile fr: Préparer le module « initialstart » pour Plasma Mobile C: Prepare initialstart module for Plasma Mobile is: Prepare initialstart-eining fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Модуль приготування початкового запуску для мобільної Плазми ca: Mòdul de començament inicial de preparació per al Plasma Mobile sk: Príprava spúšťacieho modulu pre Plasma Mobile sv: Förbered förstagångsstart för Plasma mobil it: Modulo di avvio iniziale di preparazione per Plasma Mobile es: Preparar el módulo del primer inicio para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 준비 첫 시작 모듈 sl: Pripravi začetni modul za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Prepare initial start module for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते initialstart मॉड्यूलं सज्जीकरोतु tr: Plasma Cep için başlangıç ayarları modülünü hazırla fi: Valmistele pika-aloitusmoduuli Plasma Mobileen lv: Sagatavo „Plasma Mobile“ sākotnējās palaišanas moduli hu: A Plasma Mobile elsőindítás moduljának előkészítése pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤੀ ਮੋਡੀਊਲ ਤਿਆਰ ਕਰੋ pl: Przygotuj człon początków w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Prepari initialstart-modulon por Plasma Mobile nl: Initiële startmodule voor Plasma Mobile voorbereiden zh_TW: Plasma 行動的預先準備初始設定模組 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.prepare --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobile.homescreen.folio Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: פוליו eu: Folio ca@valencia: Folio ka: ფოლიო zh_CN: Folio de: Folio pt_BR: Fólio ia: Folio pt: Folio nn: Folio gl: Folio ru: Folio fr: Porte-feuille C: Folio is: Folio uk: Фоліо ca: Folio sk: Folio sv: Folio it: Folio es: Folio ar: مطوية ko: Folio sl: Folio en_GB: Folio sa: फोलियो tr: Folyo fi: Folio lv: Folio hu: Folio pa: ਫ਼ੋਲਿਓ pl: Folio eo: Folio nl: Folio zh_TW: Folio Summary: he: מסך בית לניידים ממוקד גמישות eu: Neurrira egokitzea xede duen mugikorrerako etxeko pantaila ca@valencia: Pantalla d'inici del mòbil enfocada a la personalització ka: მობილური საწყისი ეკრანი მორგებადობაზე ფოკუსით zh_CN: 高可定制性的手机主屏幕方案。 de: Startbildschirm für Mobilgeräte mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Anpassbarkeit pt_BR: Tela inicial móvel com foco na personalização ia: Schermo initial (homescreen) mobile con un focus sur le personalisation pt: Ecrã inicial móvel com um foco na personalização nn: Mobil heimeskjerm med fokus på tilpassing gl: Pantalla de inicio móbil centrada na personalización ru: Начальный экран для мобильных устройств с акцентом на возможностях настройки fr: Un écran d'accueil pour périphérique mobile, avec une attention pour la personnalisation C: Mobile homescreen with a focus on customizability is: Upphafsskjár síma sem auðvelt er að sérsníða uk: Домашня сторінка для мобільних пристроїв із акцентом на можливості налаштовування ca: Pantalla d'inici del mòbil enfocada a la personalització sk: Domovská obrazovka mobilného telefónu so zameraním na prispôsobiteľnosť sv: Hemskärm för mobiler fokuserad på anpassningsbarhet it: Schermata home mobile con particolare attenzione alla personalizzazione es: Pantalla de inicio para móvil centrada en la personalización ta: எளிதில் தனிப்பயனாக்கக்கூடிய திறன்பேசி முகப்பு ko: 간단함과 사용 편의성에 초점을 맞춘 모바일 홈 화면입니다 sl: Mobilni domači zaslon z poudarkom na prilagodljivosti po meri en_GB: Mobile homescreen with a focus on customisability sa: अनुकूलनक्षमतायां ध्यानं दत्त्वा मोबाईल होमस्क्रीन्। tr: Özelleştirilebilirlik odaklı taşınabilir ana ekran fi: Mukautettavuuteen keskittyvä mobiilikotinäyttö lv: Plaši pielāgojams mobilās ierīces māju ekrāns hu: A testre szabhatóságra fókuszáló mobil kezdőképernyő pa: ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਮੁੱਖ-ਸਕਰੀਨ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਮਨ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ ਢਾਲਣ ਉੱਤੇ ਕੇਂਦਰਿਤ ਹੈ। pl: Przenośny ekran domowy z naciskiem na dostosowywanie eo: Poŝtelefona hejma ekrano kun fokuso pri agordebleco nl: Een startscherm voor een mobiel gericht op aanpasbaarheid zh_TW: 注重可自訂性的手機主畫面。 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Marco Martin Url: homepage: https://plasma-mobile.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobile.homescreen.folio --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobile.panel Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: לוח טלפון sl: Kontrolna plošča telefona eu: Telefonoaren panela ca@valencia: Quadro del telèfon ka: ტელეფონის პანელი az: Telefon paneli de: Telefon-Kontrollleiste pt_BR: Painel do celular ia: Panello de telephono zh_CN: 手机面板 pt: Painel do Telefone gl: Panel do teléfono nn: Telefonpanel ro: Panoul telefonului ru: Панель телефона fr: Tableau de bord du téléphone C: Phone Panel is: Símaspjald da: Panel til telefon lt: Telefono skydelis ca: Plafó del telèfon sk: Panel telefónu sv: Telefonpanel uk: Панель телефону it: Pannello del telefono es: Panel del teléfono ta: திறன்பேசி பலகை ko: 전화 패널 hi: फोन पैनल en_GB: Phone Panel sa: फ़ोन पटल cs: Panel telefonu id: Panel Ponsel tr: Telefon Paneli fi: Phonen paneeli et: Telefoni paneel lv: Tālruņa panelis hu: Telefon panel pa: ਫ਼ੋਨ ਦਾ ਪੈਨਲ pl: Panel telefonu eo: Telefona Panelo nl: Telefoonpaneel zh_TW: 手機面板 Summary: he: לוח עליון לפלזמה לניידים eu: Plasma Mugikorrerako goiko panela ca@valencia: Quadro superior per a Plasma Mobile ka: Plasma Mobile-ის ზედა პანელი zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的顶部面板 de: Obere Kontrollleiste für Plasma Mobile pt_BR: Painel superior do Plasma Mobile ia: Pannello in alto per Plasma Mobile pt: Painel de topo do Plasma Mobile nn: Toppanel for Plasma Mobile gl: Panel superior para Plasma Mobile ru: Верхняя панель Plasma Mobile fr: Panneau supérieur pour Plasma Mobile C: Top panel for Plasma Mobile is: Toppspjald fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Верхня панель для мобільної Плазми ca: Plafó superior per al Plasma Mobile sk: Horný panel pre Plasma Mobile sv: Överpanel för Plasma mobil it: Pannello superiore per Plasma Mobile es: Panel superior para Plasma Mobile ta: பிளாஸ்மா கைபேசிக்கான மேலோரப் பலகை ko: Plasma 모바일의 최상위 패널 sl: Vrhnja plošča za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Top panel for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते शीर्षपटलम् tr: Plasma Cep için üst panel fi: Yläpaneeli Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ augšējais panelis hu: Felső panel a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਸਿਖਰਲਾ ਪੈਨਲ pl: Górny panel dla Przenośnej Plazmy eo: Supra panelo por Plasma Mobile nl: Hoofdpaneel voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的頂部面板 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Marco Martin Url: homepage: https://plasma-mobile.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobile.panel --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobile.taskpanel Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: לוח משימות טלפון sl: Kontrolna plošča opravil telefona eu: Telefonoaren ataza panela ca@valencia: Quadro de tasques del telèfon ka: ტელეფონის ამოცანების პანელი az: Telefon tapşırıq paneli pt_BR: Painel de tarefas do celular de: Task und Schnelleinstellungen ia: Pannello de carga de Phone zh_CN: 手机任务面板 pt: Painel de Tarefas do Telefone gl: Panel de tarefas do teléfono nn: Oppgåvepanel for telefon ro: Panou de sarcini al telefonului ru: Панель задач телефона fr: Tableau de bord des tâches du téléphone C: Phone Task panel is: Verkefnaspjald síma da: Opgavepanel til telefon lt: Telefono užduočių skydelis ca: Plafó de tasques del telèfon sk: Panel úloh telefónu sv: Telefonaktivitetspanel uk: Панель завдань телефону it: Pannello delle attività del telefono es: Panel de tareas del teléfono ta: திறன்பேசி பணிப்பலகை ko: 전화 작업 패널 hi: फोन टास्क पैनल en_GB: Phone Task panel sa: Phone Task panel इति id: Panel Task Ponsel tr: Telefon Görev Panosu fi: Phonen tehtäväpaneeli et: Telefoni ülesannete paneel lv: Tālruņa uzdevumu panelis hu: Telefon feladatpanel pa: ਫ਼ੋਨ ਟਾਸਕ ਪੈਨਲ pl: Panel zadań telefonu eo: Telefona Tasko-panelo nl: Telefoontakenpaneel zh_TW: 手機工作面板 Summary: he: לוח ניווט לפלזמה לניידים eu: Plasma Mugikorrerako nabigatzeko panela ca@valencia: Quadro de navegació per a Plasma Mobile ka: Plasma Mobile-ის ნავიგაციის პანელი zh_CN: Plasma 移动版导航面板 de: Navigationsleiste für Plasma Mobile pt_BR: Painel de navegação do Plasma Mobile ia: Pannello de Navigation per Plasma Mobile pt: Painel de navegação do Plasma Mobile nn: Navigasjonspanel for Plasma Mobile gl: Panel de navegación para Plasma Mobile ru: Панель навигации Plasma Mobile fr: Panneau de navigation pour Plasma Mobile C: Navigation panel for Plasma Mobile is: Flakkspjald fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Панель навігації для мобільної Плазми ca: Plafó de navegació per al Plasma Mobile sk: Navigačný panel pre Plasma Mobile sv: Navigeringspanel för Plasma mobil it: Pannello di navigazione per Plasma Mobile es: Panel de navegación para Plasma Mobile ta: பிளாஸ்மா கைபேசிக்கான உலாவல் பலகை ko: Plasma 모바일의 탐색 패널 sl: Krmilna plošča za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Navigation panel for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते नेविगेशन पैनल tr: Plasma Cep için dolaşım paneli fi: Navigointipaneeli Plasma Mobilelle lv: „Plasma Mobile“ navigācijas panelis hu: Navigációs panel a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਨੇਵੀਗੇਸ਼ਨ ਪੈਨਲ pl: Pasek poruszania się dla Przenośnej Plazmy eo: Navigada panelo por Plasma Mobile nl: Navigatiepaneel voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的導覽面板 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Marco Martin Url: homepage: https://plasma-mobile.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobile.taskpanel --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobileshell Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: פלזמה לניידים eu: Plasma Mugikorra ca@valencia: Plasma Mobile ka: Plasma Mobile zh_CN: Plasma Mobile de: Plasma Mobile pt_BR: Plasma Mobile ia: Plasma Mobile pt: Plasma Mobile nn: Plasma Mobile gl: Plasma Mobile ru: Plasma Mobile fr: Plasma Mobile C: Plasma Mobile is: Plasma Mobile uk: Мобільна Плазма ca: Plasma Mobile sk: Plasma Mobile sv: Plasma mobil ast: Plasma Mobile it: Plasma Mobile es: Plasma Mobile ar: بلازما الجوال ko: Plasma 모바일 sl: Plasma Mobile en_GB: Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईल cs: Plasma Mobile ta: பிளாஸ்மா கைபேசி tr: Plasma Cep fi: Plasma Mobile lv: „Plasma Mobile“ hu: Plasma Mobile pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ pl: Przenośna Plazma eo: Plasma Poŝtelefono nl: Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動 Summary: he: מעטפת פלזמה למכשירים ניידים eu: Plasma oskola gailu mugikorretarako ca@valencia: Espai de treball Plasma per a dispositius mòbils ka: Plasma გარსი ტელეფონისთვიის პარამეტრი Plasma Mobile-სთვის zh_CN: 针对手机设备设计的 Plasma 外壳程序 de: Plasma-Shell für Mobilgeräte ia: Shell de Plasma per dispositivos mobile pt: Consola do Plasma para telemóveis nn: Plasma-skal for telefonar og nettbrett gl: Intérprete de ordes de Plasma para dispositivos móbiles ru: Оболочка Plasma для смартфонов для Plasma Mobile fr: Plasmashell pour périphériques mobiles C: Plasma shell for mobile devices is: Plasma-skel fyrir síma uk: Оболонка Плазми для мобільних пристроїв ca: Espai de treball Plasma per a dispositius mòbils sk: Plasma shell pre mobilné zariadenia sv: Plasma skal för mobilapparater it: Shell di Plasma per dispositivi mobili es: Intérprete de órdenes de Plasma para dispositivos móviles ko: 모바일 장치용 Plasma 셸 sl: Plasma shell za mobilne naprave en_GB: Plasma shell for mobile devices sa: चलयन्त्राणां कृते प्लाज्मा-शैलम् cs: Prostředí Plasma pro mobilní telefony tr: Taşınabilir aygıtlar için Plasma kabuğus fi: Mobiililaitteiden Plasma-käyttöliittymä lv: „Plasma“ čaula mobilajām ierīcēm hu: Plasma felület mobileszközökhöz pa: ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਡਿਵਾਈਸ ਲਈ ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਸ਼ੈਲ pl: Powłoka Plazmy dla urządzeń przenośnych eo: Plasma ŝelo por porteblaj aparatoj nl: Plasma-shell voor telefoons voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: 適用於行動裝置的 Plasma 殼層 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://plasma-mobile.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobileshell --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.docked Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0 Name: he: מצב מעוגן eu: Atrakatuta modua ka: დოკის რეჟიმი ca@valencia: Mode acoblat zh_CN: 停靠模式 de: Angedockter Modus ia: Modo de bassino (Docked) gl: Modo doca nn: Dokkmodus ru: Закреплённый режим uk: Швартований режим fr: Mode en dock is: Tengisnið C: Docked Mode ca: Mode acoblat sk: Dokovaný režim sv: Dockat läge it: Modalità ancorata es: Modo acoplado ko: 독 모드 sl: Način v doku en_GB: Docked Mode sa: डॉक्ड् मोड् cs: Režim v doku tr: Rıhtımlanmış Kip fi: Telakointitila lv: Piespraustais režīms hu: Dokkolt mód pa: ਡੌਕ ਕਰਨ ਢੰਗ pl: Tryb dokowania eo: Aldokita Reĝimo nl: Modus vastgezet zh_TW: 基座模式 Summary: he: הגדרה מהירה למתג מצב מעוגן לפלזמה לניידים eu: Atrakatuta modua txandakatzeko ezarpen azkarra Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Configuració ràpida per a canviar el mode acoblat per a Plasma Mobile ka: Plasma Mobile-ის დოკის რეჟიმის პარამეტრის გადართვა zh_CN: 快速设置以切换 Plasma Mobile 的停靠模式 de: Schnelleinstellung zum Umschalten des angedockten Modus für Plasma Mobile ia: Preferentia rapide a commutar modo de bassino (dockd) per Plasma Mobile gl: Opción rápida de conmutar o modo doca para Plasma Mobile nn: Snøgginnstilling for dokkmodus for Plasma Mobile ru: Быстрое включение или отключение «закреплённого» режима для Plasma Mobile fr: Configuration rapide pour basculer ou non en mode en dock pour Plasma Mobile C: Quick setting to toggle docked mode for Plasma Mobile is: Flýtistilling til að kveikja/slökkva á tengisniði fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Швидке встановлення швартованого режиму для Мобільної Плазми ca: Configuració ràpida per a canviar el mode acoblat per al Plasma Mobile sk: Rýchle nastavenie prepínania dokovaného režimu pre Plasma Mobile sv: Snabbinställning för att ändra dockat läge för Plasma mobil it: Impostazione rapida per attivare o disattivare la modalità ancorata per Plasma Mobile es: Ajuste rápido para cambiar el modo acoplado para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 독 모드 전환 빠른 설정 sl: Hitre nastavitve za preklop v dok za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Quick setting to toggle docked mode for Plasma Mobile sa: Plasma Mobile कृते docked mode toggle कर्तुं द्रुतसेटिंग् tr: Plasma Cep için rıhtımlanmış kip aç/kapat tez ayarı fi: Telakointitilan pika-asetus Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ dokstacijas režīma ātrie iestatījumi hu: Gyorsbeállítás a Plasma Mobile dokkolt módjának kapcsolásához pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਡੌਕ ਬਦਲਣ ਢੰਗ ਲਈ ਫ਼ੌਰੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ pl: Szybkie ustawienie do przełączania trybu dokowania w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Rapida agordo por ŝanĝi aldokigitan reĝimon por Plasma Mobile nl: Snelle instelling om modus vastgezet om te schakelen voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的基座模式切換快速設定 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.docked Icon: cached: - name: plasma-mobile_preferences-desktop-display-randr.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-mobile_preferences-desktop-display-randr.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-mobile_preferences-desktop-display-randr.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/plasma.quicksetting.docked/d740c7e95e6a3b36a9e989ccca57fa0c/icons/128x128/plasma-mobile_preferences-desktop-display-randr.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-display-randr --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.caffeine Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0 Name: he: קפאין sl: Caffeine eu: Kafeina ca@valencia: Caffeine ka: კაფეინი az: Caffeine de: Caffeine pt_BR: Cafeína ia: Caffeine zh_CN: 保持亮屏 ro: Cafeină nn: Caffeine pt: Cafeína ru: Кофеин gl: Cafeína fr: Caffeine C: Caffeine is: Caffeine uk: Кофеїн ca: Caffeine sk: Kofeín sv: Koffein it: Caffeina es: Cafeína ar: كافيين ko: 카페인 hi: कैफीन en_GB: Caffeine sa: कैफीन cs: Caffeine tr: Caffeine fi: Caffeine lv: „Caffeine“ hu: Caffeine pa: ਕੈਫ਼਼ੀਨ pl: Kofeina eo: Kafeino nl: Cafeïne zh_TW: 咖啡因 Summary: he: הגדרה מהירה להשהיית שנת המערכת לפלזמה לניידים eu: Sistemaren loa geldiarazteko ezarpen azkarra Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Configuració ràpida per a suspendre el repòs del sistema per a Plasma Mobile ka: სისტემის ძილის შეწყვეტის სწრაფი მორგების პარამეტრი Plasma Mobile-სთვის zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的暂停息屏快捷设置 de: Schnelleinstellung zum Aussetzen des Standby-Modus für Plasma Mobile ia: Preferentia rapide a suspender dormi per Plasma Mobile pt: Configuração rápida para interromper a suspensão do sistema do Plasma Mobile nn: Snøgginnstilling for å hinda systemet å gå i kvilemodus for Plasma Mobile gl: Opción rápida de impedir que o sistema de durma para Plasma Mobile ru: Быстрая настройка приостановки системного сна для Plasma Mobile fr: Configuration rapide pour annuler la veille du système pour Plasma Mobile C: Quick setting to suspend system sleep for Plasma Mobile is: Flýtistilling til að koma í veg fyrir að kerfið fari í hvíld fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Швидке налаштовування призупинення роботи системи для Мобільної Плазми ca: Configuració ràpida per a suspendre el repòs del sistema per al Plasma Mobile sk: Rýchle nastavenie pozastavenia spánku systému pre Plasma Mobile sv: Snabbinställning för att avsluta systemvila för Plasma mobil it: Impostazione rapida per impedire la sospensione del sistema per Plasma Mobile es: Ajuste rápido para suspender el reposo del sistema para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 시스템 절전 방지 빠른 설정 sl: Hitre nastavitve za preprečevanje sistemskega spanja za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Quick setting to suspend system sleep for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते सिस्टम् स्लीप् निलम्बयितुं द्रुतसेटिंग् tr: Plasma Cep sistem uykusunu askıya alma tez ayarı fi: Pika-asetus lepotilan estämiseksi Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ iesnaudināšanas apturēšanas ātrie iestatījumi hu: Gyorsbeállítás a rendszer alvó állapotának felfüggesztéséhez pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਸਸਪੈਡਂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫ਼ੌਰੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ pl: Szybkie usypiania systemu w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Rapida agordo por suspendi sisteman dormon por Plasma Mobile nl: Snelle instelling systeemslaap te onderbreken voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的阻擋系統睡眠快速設定 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.caffeine Icon: cached: - name: plasma-mobile_system-suspend-hibernate.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-mobile_system-suspend-hibernate.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-mobile_system-suspend-hibernate.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/plasma.quicksetting.caffeine/9f3bdc67c3851651d53554e77eb212bb/icons/128x128/plasma-mobile_system-suspend-hibernate.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-suspend-hibernate --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.battery Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: סוללה eu: Bateria ca@valencia: Bateria ka: ელემენტი az: Batareya de: Akku pt_BR: Bateria ia: Batteria zh_CN: 电池 ro: Acumulator nn: Batteri pt: Bateria ru: Батарея gl: Batería fr: Batterie C: Battery is: Rafhlaða uk: Акумулятор ca: Bateria sk: Batéria sv: Batteri it: Batteria es: Batería ar: البطارية ko: 배터리 sl: Baterija en_GB: Battery sa: विद्युत्कोष cs: Baterie ta: மின்கலம் tr: Pil fi: Akku lv: Baterija hu: Akkumulátor pa: ਬੈਟਰੀ pl: Bateria eo: Baterio nl: Batterij zh_TW: 電池 Summary: he: הגדרה מהירה לסוללה לפלזמה לניידים eu: Bateriaren ezarpen azkarra Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Configuració ràpida de la bateria per a Plasma Mobile ka: ელემენტის სწრაფი მორგების პარამეტრი Plasma Mobile-სთვის zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的电池快捷设置 de: Akku-Schnelleinstellung für Plasma Mobile pt_BR: Configurações rápidas da bateria para o Plasma Mobile ia: Preferentia rapide de Batteria per Plasma Mobile pt: Configuração rápida da bateria do Plasma Mobile nn: Snøgginnstilling for batteri for Plasma Mobile gl: Opción rápida de batería para Plasma Mobile ru: Быстрая настройка батареи для Plasma Mobile fr: Configuration rapide de la batterie pour Plasma Mobile C: Battery quick setting for Plasma Mobile is: Flýtistilling rafhlöðu fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Швидке налаштовування акумулятора для Мобільної Плазми ca: Configuració ràpida de la bateria per al Plasma Mobile sk: Rýchle nastavenie batérie pre Plasma Mobile sv: Snabbinställning av batteri för Plasma mobil it: Impostazione rapida della batteria per Plasma Mobile es: Ajuste rápido de la batería para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 배터리 빠른 설정 sl: Hitre nastavitve baterije za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Battery quick setting for Plasma Mobile tr: Plasma Cep pil tez ayarı sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य बैटरी द्रुतसेटिंग् fi: Akun pika-asetus Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ baterijas ātrie iestatījumi hu: Akkumulátor gyorsbeállítása a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਬੈਟਰੀ ਫ਼ੌਰੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ pl: Szybkie ustawienia baterii w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Bateria rapida agordo por Plasma Mobile nl: Snelle instelling van batterij voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的電池快速設定 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.battery Icon: cached: - name: plasma-mobile_battery-full.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-mobile_battery-full.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-mobile_battery-full.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/plasma.quicksetting.battery/04e1cfd6f407a30217c1ed2f6f49a80e/icons/128x128/plasma-mobile_battery-full.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: battery-full --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.record Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: הקלטת מסך eu: Grabatu pantaila ca@valencia: Grava la pantalla ka: ეკრანის ჩასწერა zh_CN: 屏幕录像 de: Bildschirm aufnehmen pt_BR: Gravar tela ia: Registra schermo pt: Gravar o Ecrã nn: Skjermopptak gl: Gravar a pantalla ru: Запись экрана fr: Enregistrer l'écran C: Record Screen is: Taka upp skjá uk: Запис з екрана ca: Enregistra la pantalla sk: Záznam obrazovky sv: Spela in bildskärm it: Registra schermo es: Grabar la pantalla ta: திரையை பதிவு செய்வது ko: 화면 녹화 sl: Posnemi zaslon en_GB: Record Screen sa: रिकार्ड स्क्रीन cs: Nahrávat obrazovku tr: Ekranı Kaydet fi: Nauhoita näyttö lv: Ierakstīt ekrānu hu: Képernyőfelvétel pa: ਸਕਰੀਨ ਰਿਕਾਰਡ ਕਰੋ pl: Nagraj ekran eo: Rekorda Ekrano nl: Scherm opnemen zh_TW: 錄製螢幕 Summary: he: הגדרה מהירה להקלטת המסך לפלזמה לניידים eu: Pantaila grabatzeko ezarpen azkarra Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Configuració ràpida de la gravació de pantalla per a Plasma Mobile ka: ეკრანის ჩაწერის სწრაფი მორგების პარამეტრი Plasma Mobile-სთვის zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的屏幕录像快捷设置 de: Bildschirmaufnahme-Schnelleinstellung für Plasma Mobile ia: Preferentia rapide de registration de schermo per Plasma Mobile pt: Configuração rápida da gravação do ecrã do Plasma Mobile nn: Snøgginnstilling for skjermopptak for Plasma Mobile gl: Opción rápida de gravar a pantalla para Plasma Mobile ru: Быстрая настройка записи экрана для Plasma Mobile fr: Configuration rapide de l'enregistrement d'écran pour Plasma Mobile C: Screen recording quick setting for Plasma Mobile is: Flýtistilling skjáupptöku fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Швидке налаштовування запису з екрана для Мобільної Плазми ca: Configuració ràpida de l'enregistrament de pantalla per al Plasma Mobile sk: Rýchle nastavenia Záznamu obrazovky pre Plasma Mobile sv: Snabbinställning av skärminspelning för Plasma mobil it: Impostazione rapida della registrazione dello schermo per Plasma Mobile es: Ajuste rápido de grabación de la pantalla para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 화면 녹화 빠른 설정 sl: Hitre nastavitve snemanja zaslona za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Screen recording quick setting for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते स्क्रीन रिकार्डिङ्ग् द्रुतसेटिंग् tr: Plasma Cep ekran kaydetme tez ayarı fi: Näytön nauhoituksen pika-asetus Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ ekrāna ierakstīšanas ātrie iestatījumi hu: Képernyőfelvétel gyorsbeállítása a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਸਕਰੀਨ ਰਿਕਾਰਡਿੰਗ ਫ਼ੌਰੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ pl: Szybkie nagrywanie ekranu w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Ekranregistrado rapida agordo por Plasma Mobile nl: Snelle instelling van scherm opnemen voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的螢幕錄製快速設定 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Aleix Pol i Gonzalez Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.quicksetting.record Icon: cached: - name: plasma-mobile_media-record.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-mobile_media-record.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-mobile_media-record.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/plasma.quicksetting.record/c8f56dac5a9e614279abd0f8f2fb6b72/icons/128x128/plasma-mobile_media-record.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: media-record --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobile.defaultStatusBar Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.0+ Name: uk: Типова смужка стану для мобільних es: Barra de estado móvil predeterminada lv: Noklusējuma mobilā statusa josla sv: Mobil standardstatusrad en_GB: Default Mobile Status Bar fi: Mobiilin oletustilarivi ca: Barra d'estat predeterminada del mòbil it: Barra di stato predefinita per dispositivi mobili he: שורת מצב כברירת מחדל לנייד hu: Alapértelmezett mobil állapotsáv pl: Domyślny pasek stanu fr: Barre d'état par défaut pour périphériques mobiles ca@valencia: Barra d'estat predeterminada del mòbil ia: Barra de stato predefinite de Mobile sl: Privzeta vrstica stanja za mobilne naprave C: Default Mobile Status Bar sa: पूर्वनिर्धारित मोबाईल स्थिति पट्टी eo: Defaŭlta Poŝtelefona Statusbreto nn: Standard mobil­statuslinje zh_TW: 預設手機狀態列 eu: Mugikorreko egoera-barra lehenetsia zh_CN: 默认手机状态栏 tr: Öntanımlı Taşınabilir Durum Çubuğu ko: 기본 모바일 상태 표시줄 ka: ნაგულისხმევი მობილური სტატუსის ზოლი nl: Standaard statusbalk van mobiel gl: Barra de estado predeterminada para móbil ru: Строка состояния по умолчанию для мобильных устройств Summary: uk: Типова смужка стану для мобільних es: Barra de estado predeterminada para dispositivos móviles lv: Mobilās ierīces noklusējuma statusa josla sv: Standardstatusrad för mobil en_GB: Default status bar for mobile fi: Mobiilin oletustilarivi ca: Barra d'estat predeterminada per al mòbil it: Barra di stato predefinita per dispositivi mobili he: מצב ברירת מחדל לנייד hu: Alapértelmezett állapotsáv mobilokhoz pl: Domyślny pasek stanu fr: Barre d'état par défaut de navigation pour périphériques mobiles ca@valencia: Barra d'estat predeterminada per al mòbil ia: Barra de stato predefinite per mobile sl: Privzeta vrstica stanja za mobilne naprave C: Default status bar for mobile sa: मोबाईलस्य कृते पूर्वनिर्धारितस्थितिपट्टिका eo: Defaŭlta statusbreto por poŝtelefono nn: Standard statuslinje for mobil zh_TW: 手機用的預設狀態列 eu: Mugikorrerako egoera-barra lehenetsia ta: கைபேசிக்கான இயல்பிருப்பு நிலைப்பட்டை tr: Cep için öntanımlı durum çubuğu zh_CN: 手机的默认状态栏 ko: 모바일의 기본 상태 표시줄 ka: ნაგულისხმევი სტატუსი მობილური მოწყობილობებისთვის nl: Standaard statusbalk van mobiel gl: Barra de estado predeterminada para móbil ru: Строка состояния по умолчанию для мобильных устройств Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://www.kde.org/plasma-desktop donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobile.defaultStatusBar --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.cellular Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: סלולרי eu: Mugikorra ca@valencia: Mòbil ka: ფიჭური ქსელი zh_CN: 蜂窝数据 de: Mobilfunk ia: Cellular gl: Telefonía nn: Mobilnettverk ru: Сотовая сеть fr: Réseau cellulaire C: Cellular is: Farsímakerfi uk: Стільниковий ca: Mòbil sk: Mobilný sv: Mobil it: Rete cellulare es: Móvil ar: هاتف خلوي ko: 셀룰러 sl: Celično en_GB: Cellular sa: कोशिकीय cs: Mobilní tr: Hücresel fi: Matkapuhelinverkko lv: Mobilais hu: Mobil pa: ਸੈਲੂਲਰ pl: Komórkowe eo: Ĉela nl: Cellulair zh_TW: 行動電話 Summary: he: מודול הפעלה ראשונית של הרכיב הסלולרי לפלזמה לניידים eu: Mugikorreko sarearen hasierako abioa Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Mòdul de començament inicial del mòbil per a Plasma Mobile ka: Plasma Mobile-ის ფიჭური სწრაფი გაშვების მოდული zh_CN: Plasma 移动设备的蜂窝初始化模块 de: Mobilfunk-Einrichtungsmodul für Plasma Mobile ia: Modulo initialstart de Cellular per Plasma Mobile gl: Módulo de inicio de telefonía para Plasma Mobile nn: Mobil-initialstart-modul for Plasma Mobile ru: Модуль сотовой сети начального запуска для Plasma Mobile fr: Module « initialstart » de réseau cellulaire pour Plasma Mobile C: Cellular initialstart module for Plasma Mobile is: Cellular initialstart-eining fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Модуль стільникової мережі початкового запуску для мобільної Плазми ca: Mòdul de començament inicial del mòbil per al Plasma Mobile sk: Počiatočný spúšťací modul mobilu pre Plasma Mobile sv: Mobil förstagångsstart för Plasma mobil it: Modulo di avvio iniziale della rete cellulare per Plasma Mobile es: Módulo del primer arranque del móvil para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 셀룰러 첫 시작 모듈 sl: Modul začetnega celičnega zagona za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Cellular initial start module for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते सेलुलर initialstart मॉड्यूल tr: Plasma Cep için hücresel ayar başlangıç modülü fi: Matkapuhelinverkon pika-aloitusmoduuli Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ mobilā sākotnējā palaišana hu: Mobil elsőindítás modul a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਸੈਲੂਲਰ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤੀ ਮੋਡੀਊਲ pl: Komórkowy człon początków w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Ĉela komenca startmodulo por Plasma Mobile nl: Initiële cellulaire startmodule voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的行動電話初始設定模組 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.cellular --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobile.homescreen.halcyon Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: הלסיון eu: Halcyon ca@valencia: Halcyon ka: ჰალკიონი az: Halcyon de: Halcyon pt_BR: Halcyon ia: Halcyon zh_CN: Halcyon pt: Halcyon nn: Halcyon gl: Halcyon ru: Halcyon fr: Halcyon C: Halcyon is: Halcyon uk: Альціон ca: Halcyon sk: Halcyon sv: Halcyon it: Halcyon es: Halcyon ar: قيون ko: Halcyon sl: Halcyon en_GB: Halcyon sa: हल्सिओन् tr: Halikon fi: Halcyon lv: Halcyon hu: Halcyon pa: ਹਲਕਿਆਨ pl: Halcyon eo: Halcyon nl: Halcyon zh_TW: Halcyon Summary: he: מסך ראשי לניידים שממוקד בפשטות ונוחות שימוש eu: Sinpletasuna eta erabilerraztasuna helburu duen mugikorrerako etxeko pantaila bat ca@valencia: Una pantalla d'inici del mòbil enfocada a la senzillesa i la facilitat d'ús ka: მობილური საწყისი ეკრანი სიმარტივეზე და სიადვილეზე ფოკუსით az: Mobil cihazlardakı ev ekranında daha çox sadəlik və istifadə rahatlığı nəzərə alınıb de: Ein Startbildschirm für Mobilgeräte, der auf Einfachheit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit ausgerichtet ist pt_BR: Uma tela inicial móvel focada na simplicidade e facilidade de uso ia: Un schermo initial mobile focalisate sur simplicitate e facilitate de uso zh_CN: 简约易用的手机主屏幕方案。 pt: Um ecrã inicial móvel com um foco na simplicidade e facilidade de uso nn: Mobil heimeskjerm med fokus enkelheit og brukarvennlegheit gl: Pantalla de inicio móbil centrada na simplicidade e a facilidade de uso ru: Начальный экран для мобильных устройств с акцентом на простоте и лёгкости использования fr: Un écran d'accueil pour périphérique mobile, centré sur la simplicité et la facilité d'utilisation C: A mobile homescreen focused on simplicity and ease-of-use is: Upphafsskjár síma sem er einfaldur og auðveldur í notkun uk: Домашній екран для мобільних пристроїв із акцентом на простоті та зручності ca: Una pantalla d'inici del mòbil enfocada a la senzillesa i la facilitat d'ús sk: Domovská obrazovka mobilného telefónu zameraná na jednoduchosť a ľahké používanie sv: En hemskärm för mobiler fokuserad på enkelhet och användbarhet it: Una schermata iniziale mobile incentrata sulla semplicità e sulla facilità d'uso es: Pantalla de inicio para móvil centrada en la simplicidad y en la facilidad de uso ta: எளிதில் பயன்படுத்தக்கக்கூடிய திறன்பேசி முகப்பு ko: 간단함과 사용 편의성에 초점을 맞춘 모바일 홈 화면입니다 sl: Mobilni domači zaslon, enostavnega videza in uporabe en_GB: A mobile homescreen focused on simplicity and ease-of-use sa: सरलतायाः उपयोगस्य च सुगमतायाः विषये केन्द्रितः एकः चलगृहपटलः । tr: Yalınlığa ve kullanım kolaylığına odaklanmış, taşınabilir bir ana ekran fi: Yksinkertaisuuteen ja helppokäyttöisyyteen keskittyvä mobiilikotinäyttö lv: Vienkāršs un viegli lietojams mobilās ierīces māju ekrāns hu: Az egyszerűségre és a könnyű használhatóságra fókuszáló mobil kezdőképernyő pa: ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਮੁੱਖ-ਸਕਰੀਨ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਸਰਲ ਅਤੇ ਵਰਤਣ ਲਈ ਸੌਖੇ ਟੀਚੇ ਉੱਤੇ ਕੇਂਦਰਿਤ ਹੈ। pl: Przenośny ekran domowy z naciskiem na prostotę użycia eo: Poŝtelefona hejmekrano koncentriĝis pri simpleco kaj facileco de uzado nl: Een startscherm voor een mobiel gericht op eenvoud en gebruiksgemak zh_TW: 著重於簡潔與易用性的手機主畫面。 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://plasma-mobile.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobile.homescreen.halcyon --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.wifi Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: רשת אלחוטית eu: Wi-Fi ca@valencia: Wi-Fi ka: WiFi zh_CN: WiFi de: WLAN ia: WiFi gl: Rede sen fíos nn: Wi-Fi ru: Wi-Fi fr: WiFi C: WiFi is: Wifi uk: WiFi sv: WIFI sk: WiFi ca: Wi-Fi ast: Wi-Fi it: WiFi es: Wifi ar: الشبكة اللاسلكيّ ko: Wi-Fi sl: WiFi en_GB: WiFi sa: वाईफाई cs: WiFi ta: அருகலை tr: Wi-Fi fi: Langaton verkko lv: WiFi hu: WiFi pa: ਵਾਈ-ਫਾਈ pl: WiFi eo: WiFi nl: WiFi zh_TW: WiFi Summary: he: מודול להפעלה ראשונית של רשת אלחוטית לפלזמה לניידים eu: Wi-Fiaren hasierako abio modulua Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Mòdul de començament inicial de Wi-Fi per a Plasma Mobile ka: Plasma Mobile-ის WiFi-ის სწრაფი გაშვების მოდული zh_CN: Plasma Mobile 的 WiFi 模块初始化 de: WLAN-Einrichtungsmodul für Plasma Mobile ia: Modulo initialstart de WiFi per Plasma Mobile gl: Módulo de inicio de rede sen fíos para Plasma Mobile nn: Wi-Fi-initialstart-modul for Plasma Mobil ru: Модуль Wi-Fi начального запуска для Plasma Mobile fr: Module « initialstart » de Wifi pour Plasma Mobile C: WiFi initialstart module for Plasma Mobile is: WiFi initialstart-eining fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Модуль WiFi початкового запуску для мобільної Плазми ca: Mòdul de començament inicial de Wi-Fi per al Plasma Mobile sk: Počiatočný spúšťací modul WiFi pre Plasma Mobile sv: WIFI förstagångsstart för Plasma mobil it: Modulo di avvio iniziale WiFi per Plasma Mobile es: Módulo de wifi del primer inicio para Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일의 Wi-Fi 첫 시작 모듈 sl: Modul začetnega zagona Wi-Fi za Plasma Mobile en_GB: WiFi initial start module for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते WiFi initialstart module tr: Plasma Cep için Wi-Fi başlangıç modülü fi: Langattoman verkon pika-aloitusmoduuli Plasma Mobileen lv: „Plasma Mobile“ „WiFi“ sākotnējās palaišanas modulis hu: WiFi elsőindítás modul a Plasma Mobile-hoz pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਵਾਈ-ਫ਼ਾਈ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤੀ ਮੋਡੀਊਲ pl: Człon początków w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: WiFi-komenca startmodulo por Plasma Mobile nl: Initiële startmodule voor WiFi voor Plasma Mobile zh_TW: Plasma 行動的 WiFi 初始設定模組 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.wifi --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.finished Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: הסתיים eu: Bukatuta ca@valencia: Finalitzat ka: დასრულდა zh_CN: 完成 de: Abgeschlossen ia: Terminate gl: Final nn: Fullført ru: Завершение fr: Terminé C: Finished is: Lokið uk: Завершено ca: Finalitzat sk: Dokončené sv: Klar it: Finito es: Finalizado ta: முடிந்த‍து ko: 완료됨 sl: Končano en_GB: Finished sa: सम्पूर्ण cs: Dokončeno ar: انتهى tr: Bitti fi: Valmis lv: Pabeigts hu: Befejezve pa: ਮੁਕੰਮਲ pl: Zakończone eo: Finita nl: Beëindigd zh_TW: 已完成 Summary: he: מודול הפעלה ראשונית של סיום לפלזמה לניידים eu: Bukatuta hasierako abio modulua Plasma Mugikorrerako ca@valencia: Mòdul de començament inicial finalitzat per a Plasma Mobile ka: Plasma Mobile-ის საწყისი გაშვების მოდულის მომზადება დასრულდა zh_CN: 完成 Plasma Mobile 的模块初始化 de: Einrichtungsmodul für Plasma Mobile abgeschlossen ia: Modulo initialstart terminate per Plasma Mobile gl: Módulo de inicio de final para Plasma Mobile nn: Fullført initial-start-modul for Plasma Mobile ru: Модуль завершения начального запуска для Plasma Mobile fr: Exécution terminée du module « initialstart » pour Plasma Mobile C: Finished initialstart module for Plasma Mobile is: Finished initialstart-eining fyrir Plasma Mobile uk: Модуль завершення початкового запуску для мобільної Плазми ca: Mòdul de començament inicial finalitzat per al Plasma Mobile sk: Dokončený počiatočný spúšťací modul pre Plasma Mobile sv: Förstagångsstart för Plasma mobil klar it: Modulo di avvio iniziale completato per Plasma Mobile es: Módulo del primer inicio para Plasma Mobile terminado ko: Plasma 모바일의 완료된 첫 시작 모듈 sl: Končan modul začetnega celičnega zagona za Plasma Mobile en_GB: Finished initial start module for Plasma Mobile sa: प्लाज्मा मोबाईलस्य कृते initialstart मॉड्यूल् समाप्तम् tr: Plasma Cep için başlangıç ayarları modülü ayarlandı fi: Pika-asetusmoduuli Plasma Mobileen on valmis lv: „Plasma Mobile“ sākotnējās palaišanas modulis ir beidzis darbu hu: A Plasma Mobile elsőindítás modulja végzett pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤੀ ਮੋਡੀਊਲ ਪੂਰਾ ਹੋਇਆ pl: Zakończono człon początków w Przenośnej Plazmie eo: Finita komenca startmodulo por Plasma Mobile nl: Initiële cellulaire startmodule voor Plasma Mobile beëindigd zh_TW: Plasma 行動的「已完成」畫面初始設定模組 Developer: id: kde.org name: C: Devin Lin Url: homepage: https://kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.mobileinitialstart.finished --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.breeze.mobile Package: plasma-mobile ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: בריזה לפלזמה לניידים eu: Plasma Mugikorra Breeze ka: Plasma მობილური ნიავი ca@valencia: Plasma Mobile Brisa zh_CN: Plasma Mobile Breeze 微风 de: Plasma Mobile Breeze ia: Breeze de Plasma Mobile gl: Brisa para Plasma Mobile nn: Plasma Mobile Breeze ru: Breeze для Plasma Mobile uk: Breeze для мобільної Плазми fr: Thème « Breeze » pour Plasma Mobile is: Plasma Mobile Breeze C: Plasma Mobile Breeze ca: Plasma Mobile Brisa sk: Vánok Plasma Mobile sv: Plasma mobil Breeze it: Brezza per Plasma Mobile es: Brisa de Plasma Mobile ko: Plasma 모바일 Breeze sl: Plasma Mobile Sapica en_GB: Plasma Mobile Breeze sa: प्लाज्मा चल हवा cs: Plasma Mobile Breeze tr: Plasma Cep Esinti fi: Plasma Mobilen Breeze lv: „Plasma Mobile“ „Breeze“ motīvs hu: Plasma Mobile Breeze pa: ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਬਰੀਜ਼ pl: Bryza Przenośnej Plazmy eo: Plasma-Poŝtelefona Breeze nl: Plasma Mobile Breeze zh_TW: Plasma 行動 Breeze Summary: he: פלזמה למכשירים ניידים eu: Plasma gailu mugikorretarako ca@valencia: Plasma per a dispositius mòbils ka: Plasma მობილური მოწყობილობებისთვის zh_CN: 针对手机设备设计的 Plasma 环境 de: Plasma-Shell für Mobilgeräte pt_BR: Plasma para dispositivos móveis ia: Plasma per dispositivos mobile gl: Plasma para dispositivos móbiles nn: Plasma for telefonar og nettbrett ru: Plasma для мобильных устройств fr: Plasma pour périphériques mobiles C: Plasma for mobile devices is: Plasma fyrir farsíma uk: Плазма для мобільних пристроїв ca: Plasma per a dispositius mòbils sk: Plasma pre mobilné zariadenia sv: Plasma för mobilapparater it: Plasma per dispositivi mobili es: Plasma para dispositivos móviles ta: கைபேசிகளுக்கான பிளாஸ்மா ko: 모바일 장치용 Plasma sl: Plasma za mobilne naprave en_GB: Plasma for mobile devices sa: चलयन्त्राणां कृते प्लाज्मा cs: Plasma pro mobilní telefony tr: Taşınabilir aygıtlar için Plasma fi: Plasma mobiililaitteille lv: „Plasma“ mobilajām ierīcēm hu: Plasma mobileszközökhöz pa: ਮੋਬਾਈਲ ਡਿਵਾਈਸ ਲਈ ਪਲਾਜ਼ਮਾ pl: Plazma dla urządzeń przenośnych eo: Plasmo por porteblaj aparatoj nl: Plasma voor mobiele apparaten zh_TW: 適用於行動裝置的 Plasma Developer: id: kde.org name: C: KDE Visual Design Group Url: homepage: https://www.kde.org donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.breeze.mobile --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kgpg.desktop Package: kgpg ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: he: KGpg eu: KGpg nds: KGpg sr-ijekavianlatin: KGPG ka: KGpg nb: KGpg sr-ijekavian: КГПГ de: KGpg zh-TW: KGpg ia: KGpg tr: K GPG gl: KGpg nn: KGpg pt-BR: KGpg pt: KGpg zh-CN: KGpg ru: KGpg el: KGpg fr: KGpg C: KGpg da: KGpg uk: KGpg lt: KGpg ca: KGpg sk: KGpg sv: Kgpg ast: KGpg it: KGpg es: KGpg ko: KGpg sl: KGpg bg: KGpg id: KGpg cs: KGpg sr: КГПГ fi: KGpg bs: KGpg et: KGpg lv: KGpg en-GB: KGpg ca-valencia: KGpg pl: KGpg hu: KGpg ie: KGpg nl: KGpg pa: KGpg eo: KGpg sr-Latn: KGPG Summary: he: כלי הצפנה eu: Zifratzeko tresna nds: Verslötel-Warktüüch pa: ਇੰਕ੍ਰਿਪਸ਼ਨ ਟੂਲ sr-ijekavianlatin: Alatka za šifrovanje ka: დაშიფვრის ხელსაწყო nb: Krypteringsverktøy sr-ijekavian: Алатка за шифровање de: Verschlüsselungsprogramm zh-TW: 加密工具 ia: Instrumento per cryptar gl: Ferramenta de cifrado nn: Krypteringsverktøy pt-BR: Ferramenta de criptografia pt: Ferramenta de Cifra zh-CN: 加密工具 ru: Утилита шифрования el: Εργαλείο κρυπτογράφησης fr: Outil de chiffrement C: Encryption Tool da: Krypteringsværktøj uk: Програма для шифрування lt: Šifravimo įrankis ca: Eina d'encriptatge sk: Šifrovací nástroj sv: Krypteringsverktyg it: Strumento di cifratura es: Herramienta de cifrado ko: 암호화 도구 sl: Orodje za šifriranje bg: Програма за шифроване id: Alat Enkripsi cs: Nástroj pro šifrování sr: Алатка за шифровање fi: Salaustyökalu bs: Kriptografski alat et: Krüptimistööriist lv: Šifrēšanas rīks en-GB: Encryption Tool ca-valencia: Eina d'encriptació pl: Narzędzie szyfrowania hu: Titkosító eszköz ie: Utensile de ciffration eo: Ĉifrilo nl: Hulpmiddel voor versleuteling tr: Şifreleme Aracı sr-Latn: Alatka za šifrovanje Description: he: >-

KGpg הוא ממשק פשוט ל־GnuPG, כלי הצפנה רב עוצמה. הוא יכול לסייע לך להגדיר ולנהל את המפתחות שלך, לייבוא ולייצא מפתחות, לצפות בחתימות מפתחות, מצב אמינות ותאריכי תפוגת תוקף.

eu: >-

KGpg GnuPG-rentzako, zifratzeko baliagarritasun ahaltsu bat, interfaze erraz bat da. Lagunduko dizu zure gakoak ezarri eta kudeatzen, inportatzen eta esportatzen, haien sinadurak, fidagarritasun egoera eta iraungitze datak ikusten.

nds: >-

KGpg is en eenfach Böversiet för GnuPGP, en deegt Verslötelwarktüüch. Dat kann Di bi't Opstellen un Plegen vun Dien Slötels hölpen, Slötels im- un exporteren un Slötelünnerschriften, Totroenstatus un Aflooptieden wiesen.

zh-TW: >-

KGpg 是 GnuPG 的簡易介面。它可以協助您設定並管理您的金鑰,匯入或匯出,檢視金鑰簽章,信任狀態與到期日等等。

ka: >-

KGpg მარტივი ინტერფეისია GnuPG-სთვის, შიფრაციის მძლავრი ხელსაწყოსთვის. მას შეუძლია დაგეხმაროთ ააწყოთ და მართოთ, შემოიტანოთ და გაიტანოთ გასაღებები, ნახოთ გასაღების ხელმოწერები, ნდობის მდგომარეობა და ვადის ამოწურვის თარიღები.

sr-ijekavianlatin: >-

KGPG je jednostavno sučelje za GnuPG, moćnu alatku za šifrovanje. Može vam pomoći da postavljate ključeve, upravljate njima, uvozite ih i izvozite, kao i da prikazujete otiske, pouzdanost i datume isticanja ključeva.

nb: >-

KGpg er en enkel brukerflate for GnuPG, et kraftig krypteringsverktøy. Det kan hjelpe til å opprette og håndtere nøkler, importere og eksportere nøkler, vise nøkkelsignaturer, tillitsstatus og utløpsdatoer.

de: >-

KGpg ist eine einfache Bedienungsoberfläche für GnuPG, ein leistungsfähiges Dienstprogramm zur Verschlüsselung. KGpg kann Ihnen bei der Einrichtung und Verwaltung Ihrer Schlüssel und beim Import und Export von Schlüsseln helfen, kann Schlüsselsignaturen, Vertrauensstatus und Ablaufdaten anzeigen.

sr-ijekavian: >-

КГПГ је једноставно сучеље за ГнуПГ, моћну алатку за шифровање. Може вам помоћи да постављате кључеве, управљате њима, увозите их и извозите, као и да приказујете отиске, поузданост и датуме истицања кључева.

ia: >-

Kgpg es un simple interface per GnuPG, un instrumento potente per cryptar. Il pote adjutar te per configurar e gerer tu claves, importar e exportar claves, vider signaturas de clave, le stato de confidentia e le datas de expiration.

pt: >-

O KGpg é uma interface simples para o GnuPG, um utilitário poderoso de cifra ou encriptação. Podê-lo-á ajudar a configurar e a gerir as suas chaves, importá-las e exportá-las, ver as assinaturas das chaves, o estado e as datas de validade.

zh-CN: >-

KGpg 是压缩工具 GnuPG 的简单界面,可以设置和管理密钥,导入导出密钥,查看密钥签名、信任状态和过期时间。

nn: >-

KGpg er eit enkelt grafisk grensesnitt til GnuPG, det kraftige krypteringsverktøyet. Med dette programmet kan du handsama, importera og eksportera nøklar, sjå nøkkelsignaturar, tiltrustatus og utløpsdatoar.

gl: >-

KGpg é unha interface sinxela para GnuPG, unha potente ferramenta de cifrado. Pode axudalo a crear e xestionar chaves, importar e exportar chaves e ver as sinaturas, o estado de confianza e a data de caducidade das chaves.

pt-BR: >-

KGpg é uma interface simples para o GnuPG, um utilitário de criptografia poderoso. Ele pode ajudá-lo a configurar e a gerenciar as suas chaves, importá-las e exportá-las, ver as assinaturas das chaves, o estado e as datas de validade.

el: >-

Το KGpg είναι μια απλή διεπαφή για το GnuPG, ένα πανίσχυρο εργαλείο κρυπτογράφησης. Σας βοηθάει να ορίσετε και να διαχειριστείτε τα κλειδιά σας, να κάνετε εισαγωγή και εξαγωγή κλειδιών, να δείτε τις ψηφιακές υπογραφές, την κατάσταση εμπιστοσύνης και τις ημερομηνίες λήξης.

fr: >-

KGpg est une interface simple pour GnuPG, un puissant utilitaire de chiffrement. Il peut vous aider à créer et gérer vos clés, importer et exporter des clés, afficher des signatures de clés, des états de confiance et des dates d'expiration.

uk: >-

KGpg — простий інтерфейс до GnuPG, потужного засобу шифрування. Програма допоможе вам у керуванні ключами, імпортуванні та експортуванні ключів, перегляді підписів ключів, станів довіри до ключів та даних щодо строку дії ключів.

da: >-

KGpg er en nem brugerflade til GnuPG, et kraftfuldt krypteringsværktøj. Det kan hjælpe dig med at opsætte og håndtere dine nøgler, importere og eksportere nøgler, vise nøglesignaturer, betroelsesstatus og udløbsdatoer.

C: >-

KGpg is a simple interface for GnuPG, a powerful encryption utility. It can help you set up and manage your keys, import and export keys, view key signatures, trust status and expiry dates.

ca: >-

El KGpg és una interfície senzilla per al GnuPG, una utilitat potent d'encriptatge. Pot ajudar a configurar i gestionar les vostres claus, importar i exportar les claus, veure les signatures de les claus, l'estat de confiança i les dates de venciment.

sv: >-

Kgpg är ett enkelt gränssnitt för GnuPG, ett kraftfullt krypteringsverktyg. Det kan hjälpa till att ställa in och hantera nycklar, importera och exportera nycklar, samt granska nyckelsignaturer, pålitlighetsstatus och utgångsdatum.

sk: >-

KGpg je jednoduché rozhranie pre GnuPG, silný šifrovací nástroj. Môže vám pomôcť nastaviť a spravovať vaše kľúče, importovať a exportovať kľúče, prezerať podpisy kľúčov, stav dôveryhodnosti a dátumy expirácie.

ru: >-

KGpg представляет собой простой в использовании графический интерфейс к программе GnuPG — программе для шифрования с расширенными возможностями. Приложение KGpg предназначено для создания и управления собственными ключами шифрования, экспорта и импорта ключей, просмотра подписей, уровня доверия и сроков окончания действия ключей.

ko: >-

KGpg는 강력한 암호화 유틸리티 GnuPG의 GUI 인터페이스입니다. 키를 설정하고 관리할 수 있으며, 키를 내보내고 가져오고, 키 서명, 신뢰 상태, 만료일을 볼 수 있습니다.

bg: >-

KGpg е прост интерфейс за GnuPG, мощна програма за криптиране. Той може да ви помогне да настроите и управлявате вашите ключове, да импортирате и експортирате ключове, да преглеждате ключове подписи, състояние на доверие и дати на изтичане на валидността.

es: >-

KGpg es una sencilla interfaz para GnuPG, una potente utilidad de cifrado. Puede ayudarle a configurar y gestionar sus claves, a importar y exportar claves, a ver firmas de claves, su nivel de confianza y sus fechas de expiración.

it: >-

KGpg è un'interfaccia semplice per GnuPG, un potente strumento di cifratura. Ti aiuta a configurare e gestire le tue chiavi, importare ed esportare le chiavi, visualizzarne le firme, lo stato di affidabilità e la data di scadenza.

sl: >-

KGpg je preprost vmesnik za močno šifrirno orodje GnuPG. Pomaga vam lahko pri nastavljanju, upravljanju in uvažanju/izvažanju ključev. Z njim si lahko ogledate podpise ključev ter njihovo stanje zaupanja in datum preteka.

tr: >-

K GPG, güçlü bir şifreleme aracı olan GnuPG için basit bir arayüzdür. Anahtarlarınızı ayarlamanıza ve yönetmenize, anahtarları içe ve dışa aktarmanıza, anahtar imzalarını, güven düzeylerini ve geçerlilik tarihlerini görüntülemenize yardımcı olur.

id: >-

KGpg adalah antarmuka sederhana untuk GnuPG, utilitas enkripsi yang unggul. Ini bisa membantu kamu menyiapkan dan mengelola kuncimu, mengimpor dan mengekspor kunci, melihat tandatangan kunci, status kepercayaan, dan tanggal kedaluwarsa.

sr: >-

КГПГ је једноставно сучеље за ГнуПГ, моћну алатку за шифровање. Може вам помоћи да постављате кључеве, управљате њима, увозите их и извозите, као и да приказујете отиске, поузданост и датуме истицања кључева.

fi: >-

KGpg on yksinkertainen käyttöliittymä GnuPG:lle, tehokkaalle salaustyökalulle. KGpg auttaa avainten luomisessa, hallinnoinnissa, tuomisessa ja viennissä. KGpg:llä voi myös katsella avainten allekirjoituksia, luotettavuutta sekä vanhentumispäiviä.

bs: >-

KGpg je jednostavan interfejs za GnuPG, moćnog alata za šifrovanje. On vam može pomoći za postavljanje i upravljanje vašim ključevima, uvoz i izvoz ključeva, da vidite ključne potpise, status poverenja i rok trajanja.

et: >-

KGpg on võimsa krüptimistööriista GnuPG lihtne graafiline kasutajaliides. See aitab luua ja hallata võtmeid, neid importida ja eksportida, näha võtmete allkirju, usaldusväärsust ja aegumise tähtaega.

lv: >-

„KGpg“ ir vienkārši lietojama jaudīgā šifrēšanas rīka „GnuPG“ saskarne. Šī programma var palīdzēt izveidot un pārvaldīt jūsu atslēgas, tās importēt un eksportēt, apskatīt atslēgu parakstus, to uzticamības statusu un derīguma termiņu.

en-GB: >-

KGpg is a simple interface for GnuPG, a powerful encryption utility. It can help you set up and manage your keys, import and export keys, view key signatures, trust status and expiry dates.

ca-valencia: >-

KGpg és una interfície senzilla per a GnuPG, una utilitat potent d'encriptació. Pot ajudar a configurar i gestionar les vostres claus, importar i exportar les claus, veure les signatures de les claus, l'estat de confiança i les dates de venciment.

pl: >-

KGpg jest prostym układem sterownia dla GnuPG, zaawansowanego narzędzia szyfrowania. Pomoże ustawić i zarządzać kluczami, importować i eksportować klucze, oglądać podpisy kluczy, stan zaufania oraz daty przedawnienia.

hu: >-

A KGpg egy egyszerű felület a GnuPG-hez, a hatékony titkosító segédprogramhoz. Segíthet a kulcsok beállításában és kezelésében, kulcsok importálásában és exportálásában, kulcsaláírások, megbízhatósági állapot és lejárati idők megtekintésében.

eo: >-

KGpg estas simpla interfaco por GnuPG, potenca ĉifrada utilaĵo. Ĝi povas helpi vin agordi kaj administri viajn ŝlosilojn, importi kaj eksporti ŝlosilojn, rigardi ŝlosilsubskribojn, fidan statuson kaj limdatojn.

nl: >-

KGpg is een eenvoudig interface voor GnuPG, een krachtig hulpmiddel voor versleuteling. Het kan u helpen met het instellen en beheren van uw sleutels, sleutels im- en exporteren, ondertekening met sleutels, de vertrouwensstatus en verloopdatums bekijken.

sr-Latn: >-

KGPG je jednostavno sučelje za GnuPG, moćnu alatku za šifrovanje. Može vam pomoći da postavljate ključeve, upravljate njima, uvozite ih i izvozite, kao i da prikazujete otiske, pouzdanost i datume isticanja ključeva.

ie: >-

KGpg es un simplic interfacie por GnuPG, un potent utensile de ciffration. It posse auxiliar vos con creation e gestion de vor claves, importar e exportar claves, vider signatures de claves, statu de fide e dates de expiration.

ProjectGroup: KDE Categories: - Utility Url: homepage: https://utils.kde.org/projects/kgpg/ bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=kgpg help: https://docs.kde.org/?application=kgpg donation: https://www.kde.org/community/donations/?app=kgpg&source=appdata Icon: cached: - name: kgpg_kgpg.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: kgpg_kgpg.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kgpg_kgpg.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/kgpg.desktop/beb5817b6d121220b443186ce4c360b3/icons/128x128/kgpg_kgpg.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: kgpg Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.kgpg.desktop Provides: binaries: - kgpg mediatypes: - application/pgp-encrypted - application/pgp-signature - application/pgp-keys Screenshots: - default: true caption: he: ניהול מפתחות ב־KGpg eu: Gako kudeaketa KGpg-rekin zh-TW: 在 KGpg 管理金鑰 ka: გასაღებების მართვა KGpg-ში de: Schlüsselverwaltung mit KGpg ia: Gerente de clave in KGpg pt: Gestão de chaves no KGpg nn: Nøkkelhandsaming i KGpg pt-BR: Gerenciamento de chaves no KGpg gl: Xestión de chaves en KGpg zh-CN: 在 KGpg 中管理密钥 ru: Управление ключами в KGpg el: Διαχείριση κλειδιών στο KGpg fr: Gestion des clés dans KGpg C: Key management in KGpg da: Nøglehåndtering i KGpg uk: Керування ключами у KGpg ca: Gestió de claus al KGpg sk: Správa kľúčov v KGpg sv: Nyckelhantering i Kgpg ko: KGpg로 키 관리 es: Gestión de claves en KGpg it: Gestione delle chiavi con KGpg sl: Upravljanje ključev KGpg bg: Администриране на ключове в KGpg cs: Správa klíčů v KGpg id: Pengelolaan kunci di KGpg tr: K GPG ile anahtar yönetimi fi: Avainten hallinta KGpg:ssä et: Võtmehaldus KGpg-ga lv: Atslēgu pārvaldība ar „KGpg“ pl: Zarządzanie kluczami w KGpg ca-valencia: Gestió de claus a KGpg en-GB: Key management in KGpg ie: Gerentie de claves med KGpg nl: Sleutelbeheer in KGpg pa: KGpg ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਪਰਬੰਧ eo: Ŝlosiladministrado en KGpg thumbnails: - url: org/kde/kgpg.desktop/beb5817b6d121220b443186ce4c360b3/screenshots/image-1_752x472@1.png width: 752 height: 472 - url: org/kde/kgpg.desktop/beb5817b6d121220b443186ce4c360b3/screenshots/image-1_624x392@1.png width: 624 height: 392 - url: org/kde/kgpg.desktop/beb5817b6d121220b443186ce4c360b3/screenshots/image-1_224x140@1.png width: 224 height: 140 source-image: url: org/kde/kgpg.desktop/beb5817b6d121220b443186ce4c360b3/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 994 height: 625 Releases: - version: 24.12.2 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1738800000 - version: 24.12.1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1736380800 - version: 24.12.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1733961600 - version: 24.08.3 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1730937600 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: addon ID: network-manager-l2tp Package: network-manager-l2tp-gnome Extends: - nm-connection-editor.desktop - org.gnome.Settings.desktop - gnome-control-center.desktop ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: ru: Клиент L2TP VPN C: L2TP VPN Client zh_CN: L2TP VPN客户端 ka: L2TP VPN-ის კლიენტი Summary: ru: Клиент для виртуальных частных сетей на основе протокола L2TP C: Client for L2TP based virtual private networks zh_CN: 基于L2TP的虚拟专用网客户端 ka: L2TP ვირტუალური პირადი ქსელების კლიენტი Description: ru: >-

Помощь в настройке параметров соединений виртуальных частных сетей наоснове протокола L2TP.

Совместим со службами L2TP и L2TP через IPsec.

C: >-

Support for configuring L2TP based virtual private network connections.

Compatible with L2TP and L2TP over IPsec services.

zh_CN: >-


支持L2TP和L2TP over IPsec业务。

ka: >-

L2TP-ზე დაფუძნებულ ვირტუალურ კერძო ქსელებთან მიერთების მორგების მხარდაჭერა.

თავსებადია L2TP და L2TP IPsec-ის ზემოდან სერვისებთან.

Developer: name: ru: Разработчики NetworkManager-L2TP C: The NetworkManager-L2TP Developers zh_CN: he NetworkManager-L2TP Developers ka: NetworkManager-L2TP-ის პროგრამისტები Keywords: or: - ସଂଯୋଗ mr: - जोडणी ka: - შეერთება ja: - 接続 zh_CN: - 连接 pt_BR: - conexão de: - verbindung oc: - connexion gl: - conexión ro: - conexiune hr: - povezivanje ru: - подключение te: - అనుసంధానము el: - σύνδεση fr: - connexion C: - network - manager - NetworkManager - connection - VPN - L2TP kn: - ಸಂಪರ್ಕ uk: - з'єднання sv: - anslutning sk: - spojenie da: - forbindelse ca: - connexió it: - connessione es: - conexión ta: - இணைப்பு ko: - 연결 tr: - bağlantı id: - koneksi cs: - připojení sr: - ВПН bg: - ВЧМ pl: - połączenie hu: - kapcsolat pa: - ਕਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ as: - সংযোগ gu: - જોડાણ eo: - konekto zh_TW: - 連線 nl: - verbinding bn_IN: - সংযোগ Url: homepage: https://github.com/nm-l2tp/NetworkManager-l2tp bugtracker: https://github.com/nm-l2tp/NetworkManager-l2tp/issues Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-1_752x571@1.png width: 752 height: 571 - url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-1_624x474@1.png width: 624 height: 474 - url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-1_224x170@1.png width: 224 height: 170 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 800 height: 608 - default: true caption: ru: Диалоговое окно настройки параметров IPsec C: The IPsec options dialog zh_CN: IPsec选项对话框 ka: IPsec-ის პარამეტრების ფანჯარა thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-2_752x559@1.png width: 752 height: 559 - url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-2_624x464@1.png width: 624 height: 464 - url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-2_224x166@1.png width: 224 height: 166 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 800 height: 595 - default: true caption: ru: Диалоговое окно настройки параметров PPP C: The PPP options dialog zh_CN: PPP选项对话框 ka: PPP-ის პარამეტრების ფანჯარა thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-3_752x693@1.png width: 752 height: 693 - url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-3_624x575@1.png width: 624 height: 575 - url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-3_224x206@1.png width: 224 height: 206 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-l2tp/a69182e92f926ce56d210c468ecc7792/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 800 height: 738 Languages: - locale: bs percentage: 42 - locale: ca percentage: 44 - locale: cs percentage: 43 - locale: da percentage: 44 - locale: de percentage: 44 - locale: el percentage: 37 - locale: en_GB percentage: 44 - locale: en_US percentage: 100 - locale: es percentage: 44 - locale: et percentage: 25 - locale: eu percentage: 44 - locale: fi percentage: 27 - locale: fr percentage: 43 - locale: fur percentage: 33 - locale: gl percentage: 44 - locale: he percentage: 32 - locale: hr percentage: 36 - locale: hu percentage: 43 - locale: id percentage: 44 - locale: it percentage: 44 - locale: ja percentage: 36 - locale: ka percentage: 100 - locale: ko percentage: 30 - locale: lt percentage: 43 - locale: lv percentage: 42 - locale: nb percentage: 37 - locale: nl percentage: 41 - locale: oc percentage: 31 - locale: pl percentage: 44 - locale: pt percentage: 41 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 43 - locale: ro percentage: 37 - locale: ru percentage: 98 - locale: sl percentage: 43 - locale: sr percentage: 43 - locale: sr@latin percentage: 42 - locale: sv percentage: 44 - locale: tr percentage: 44 - locale: uk percentage: 39 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 99 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 32 --- Type: addon ID: network-manager-fortisslvpn Package: network-manager-fortisslvpn-gnome Extends: - nm-connection-editor.desktop - org.gnome.Settings.desktop - gnome-control-center.desktop ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: de: Fortinet-SSLVPN-Client sv: Fortinet SSLVPN-klient lv: Fortinet SSLVPN klients da: Fortinet SSLVPN-klient es: Cliente de Fortinet SSLVPN ja: Fortinet SSLVPN クライアント sr-Cyrl: Фортинет ССЛВПН клијент it: Client SSLVPN Fortinet zh-Hant-TW: Fortinet SSLVPN 客戶端 tr: Fortinet SSLVPN istemcisi pl: Klient SSLVPN Fortinet zh-Hans-CN: 飞塔(Fortinet)SSLVPN 客户端 fr: Client SSLVPN Fortinet lt: Fortinet SSLVPN klientas ca: Client Fortinet SSLVPN he: לקוח SSLVPN של Fortinet C: Fortinet SSLVPN client uk: Клієнт SSLVPN Fortinet fi: Fortinet SSLVPN -asiakasohjelmisto id: Klien SSLVPN Fortinet fur: Client SSLVPN Fortinet cs: Klient Fortinet SSLVPN eu: Fortinet SSLVPN bezeroa pt-BR: Cliente para SSLVPN da Fortinet sr-Latn: Fortinet SSLVPN klijent ro: Client SSLVPN Fortinet hu: Fortinet SSLVPN kliens nl: Fortinet SSLVPN-cliënt ru: Клиент SSLVPN Fortinet hr: Fortinet SSLVPN klijent Summary: de: Client für virtuelle private Netze des Typs Fortinet-SSLVPN sv: Klient för Fortinet SSLVPN virtuella privata nätverk lv: Fortinet SSLVPN virtuālā privātā tīkla klients da: Klient til Fortinets virtuelle private SSLVPN-netværk es: Cliente para redes privadas virtuales Fortinet SSLVPN zh-Hans-CN: 飞塔(Fortinet)虚拟专用网络的客户端 it: Client per le reti private virtuali SSLVPN Fortinet sr-Cyrl: Клијент за Фортинет ССЛВПН виртуелне приватне мреже zh-Hant-TW: Fortinet SSLVPN 虛擬私人網路的客戶端 tr: Fortinet SSLVPN sanal özel ağlar için istemci pl: Klient wirtualnych sieci prywatnych SSLVPN Fortinet lt: Klientas Fortinet SSLVPN virtualiems privatiems tinklams fr: Client pour les réseaux privés virtuels SSLVPN Fortinet fur: Client par rêts privadis virtuâls SSLVPN Fortinet he: לקוח לרשתות פרטיות מסוג SSLVPN של Fortinet C: Client for Fortinet SSLVPN virtual private networks uk: Клієнт для віртуальних приватних мереж SSLVPN Fortinet cs: Klient pro Fortinet SSLVPN sítě id: Klien untuk virtual private network SSLVPN Fortinet fi: Asiakasohjelmisto Fortinet SSLVPN -erillisverkkoihin ca: Client per a xarxes privades virtuals Fortinet SSLVPN eu: Fortinet SSLVPN sare birtual pribatuetarako bezeroa pt-BR: Cliente para redes particulares virtuais SSLVPN da Fortinet sr-Latn: Klijent za Fortinet SSLVPN virtuelne privatne mreže ro: Client pentru rețelele private virtuale SSLVPN Fortinet hu: Kliens a Fortinet SSLVPN virtuális magánhálózatokhoz nl: Cliënt voor Fortinet SSLVPN-virtuele privénetwerken ru: Клиент для частных виртуальных сетей Fortinet SSLVPN hr: Klijent za Fortinet SSLVPN virtualne privatne mreže Description: sr-Latn: >-

Podrška za podešavanje veza Fortinet SSLVPN virtuelne privatne mreže.

sv: >-

Stöd för att konfigurera Fortinet SSLVPN virtuella privata nätverksanslutningar.

es: >-

Soporte para configurar conexiones a redes privadas virtuales Fortinet SSLVPN.

lv: >-

Atbalsts Fortinet SSLVPN virtuālo privāto tīklu savienojumu konfigurēšanai.

ro: >-

Suport pentru configurarea conexiunilor de rețea privată virtuală SSLVPN Fortinet.

zh-Hans-CN: >-

支持配置飞塔(Fortinet)SSLVPN 虚拟专用网络连接。

sr-Cyrl: >-

Подршка за подешавање веза Фортинет ССЛВПН виртуелне приватне мреже.

it: >-

Supporta la configurazione di connessioni a reti private virtuali SSLVNP Fortinet.

zh-Hant-TW: >-

支援設定 Fortinet SSLVPN 虛擬私人網路連線。

tr: >-

SSLVPN sanal özel ağ bağlantılarını yapılandırma desteği.

de: >-

Unterstützung für die Konfiguration von Fortinet-SSLVPN virtuellen privaten Netz-Verbindungen.

fr: >-

Prise en charge de la configuration de connexions de réseaux privés virtuels

ca: >-

Suport per a la configuració de connexions de xarxes privades virtuals Fortinet SSLVPN.

pl: >-

Obsługa konfigurowania połączeń wirtualnych sieci prywatnych SSLVPN Fortinet.

he: >-

תמיכה בהגדרות חיבורי רשתות וירטואליות פרטיות מסוג SSLVPN של Fortinet.

C: >-

Support for configuring Fortinet SSLVPN virtual private network connections.

uk: >-

Підтримка налаштовування з'єднань із віртуальними приватними мережами SSLVPN Fortinet.

cs: >-

Podpora konfigurace připojení Fortinet SSLVPN.

id: >-

Dukungan bagi penataan koneksi virtual private network SSLVPN Fortinet.

fur: >-

Supuart par configurâ lis conessions di rêts privadis virtuâls SSLVPN Fortinet.

hr: >-

Podrška za podešavanje Fortinet SSLVPN virtualne privatne mreže.

eu: >-

Fortinet SSLVPN sare birtual pribatuetako konexioak konfiguratzeko euskarria

pt-BR: >-

Suporte à configuração de conexões de rede privada virtual SSLVPN da Fortinet.

lt: >-

Fortinet SSLVPN virtualių privačių tinklo ryšių konfigūracijos palaikymas.

fi: >-

Tuki Fortinet SSLVPN -erillisverkkoyhteyksien määrittämiseen.

hu: >-

A Fortinet SSLVPN virtuális magánhálózati kapcsolatok beállításának támogatása.

da: >-

Understøttelse af konfigurering af virtuelle private SSLVPN-netværksforbindelser.

nl: >-

Ondersteuning voor configuratie van Fortinet SSLVPN-virtueleprivénetwerkverbindingen.

ru: >-

Поддержка в настройке подключений частных виртуальных сетей Fortinet SSLVPN

Developer: name: de: Die Entwickler von NetworkManager sv: Utvecklarna av Nätverkshanteraren lv: NetworkManager izstrādātāji da: Udviklerne af Netværkshåndtering es: Los desarrolladores de NetworkManager zh-Hans-CN: NetworkManager 开发者 it: Gli sviluppatori di NetworkManager sr-Cyrl: Програмери Управника мреже zh-Hant-TW: NetworkManager 開發者 tr: NetworkManager Geliştiricileri pl: Programiści projektu NetworkManager lt: NetworkManager kūrėjai fr: Les développeurs NetworkManager fur: I svilupadôrs di NetworkManager he: מפתחי NetworkManager C: The NetworkManager Developers uk: Розробники NetworkManager cs: Vývojáři aplikace NetworkManager id: Para Pengembang NetworkManager fi: NetworkManagerin kehittäjät ca: Els desenvolupadors del NetworkManager eu: NetworkManager-en garatzaileak pt-BR: Os desenvolvedores do NetworkManager sr-Latn: Programeri Upravnika mreže ro: Dezvoltatori ManagerRețea hu: A Hálózatkezelő fejlesztői nl: De NetworkManager-ontwikkelaars ru: Разработчики NetworkManager hr: Razvijatelji Mrežnog upravitelja Keywords: C: - network - manager - NetworkManager - connection - VPN - Fortinet - openfortivpn - SSLVPN Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager/VPN bugtracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/NetworkManager-fortisslvpn/issues Languages: - locale: ca percentage: 100 - locale: cs percentage: 100 - locale: da percentage: 100 - locale: de percentage: 100 - locale: el percentage: 34 - locale: en_US percentage: 100 - locale: es percentage: 100 - locale: eu percentage: 96 - locale: fi percentage: 41 - locale: fr percentage: 94 - locale: fur percentage: 100 - locale: he percentage: 100 - locale: hr percentage: 100 - locale: hu percentage: 100 - locale: id percentage: 100 - locale: it percentage: 100 - locale: ja percentage: 60 - locale: lt percentage: 100 - locale: lv percentage: 81 - locale: nl percentage: 100 - locale: pl percentage: 100 - locale: pt percentage: 34 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 100 - locale: ro percentage: 100 - locale: ru percentage: 100 - locale: sr percentage: 100 - locale: sr@latin percentage: 81 - locale: sv percentage: 100 - locale: tr percentage: 100 - locale: uk percentage: 100 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 81 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 93 --- Type: desktop-application ID: emacs-term.desktop Package: emacs-lucid Name: C: Emacs (Terminal) Summary: C: GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor - and more Description: fr: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with support for a graphical user interface based on the Lucid toolkit (instead of the GTK+ interface provided by the emacs-gtk package). Until some known GTK+ problems are fixed, this version may help avoid crashing Emacs during an emacsclient disconnect. See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 for more information.

sk: >-

GNU Emacs je rozšíriteľný samodokumentujúci textový editor. Tento balík obsahuje verziu Emacs s podporou grafického používateľského rozhrania založeného na sade nástrojov Lucid (na rozdiel od rozhrania GTK+, ktoré poskytuje balík emacs-gtk). Do vyriešenia niektorých známych problémov s GTK+ môžete využiť túto verziu a vyhnúť sa havárii Emacs pri odpojení klienta emacsclient. Ďalšie informácie nájdete na https://bugs.debian.org /cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 a https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715

de: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with support for a graphical user interface based on the Lucid toolkit (instead of the GTK+ interface provided by the emacs-gtk package). Until some known GTK+ problems are fixed, this version may help avoid crashing Emacs during an emacsclient disconnect. See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 for more information.

en_GB: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with support for a graphical user interface based on the Lucid toolkit (instead of the GTK+ interface provided by the emacs-gtk package). Until some known GTK+ problems are fixed, this version may help avoid crashing Emacs during an emacsclient disconnect. See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 for more information.

it: >-

GNU Emacs è l'editor di testo estensibile e auto-documentato. Questo pacchetto contiene una versione di Emacs con gestione di una interfaccia grafica utente basata sul toolkit Lucid (anziché dell'interfaccia GTK+ fornita dal pacchetto emacs-gtk). Finché non verranno corretti alcuni problemi conosciuti di GTK+, questa versione può aiutare ad evitare i crash di Emacs durante una disconnessione di emacsclient. Per maggiori informazioni si veda https://bugs.debian.org/cgi- bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 e https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 .

ru: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with support for a graphical user interface based on the Lucid toolkit (instead of the GTK+ interface provided by the emacs-gtk package). Until some known GTK+ problems are fixed, this version may help avoid crashing Emacs during an emacsclient disconnect. See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 for more information.

C: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with support for a graphical user interface based on the Lucid toolkit (instead of the GTK+ interface provided by the emacs-gtk package). Until some known GTK+ problems are fixed, this version may help avoid crashing Emacs during an emacsclient disconnect. See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 for more information.

da: >-

GNU Emacs er et selvdokumenterende tekstredigeringsværktøj, der kan udvides. Denne pakke indeholder en version af Emacs med understøttelse for en grafisk brugerflade baseret på værktøjssættet Lucid (i stedet for GTK+-grænsefladen leveret af pakken emacs-gtk). Indtil nogle kendte GTK+- problemer er rettet, kan denne version hjælpe med at undgå nedbrud i Emacs under en emacsclient-afbrydelse. Se https://bugs.debian.org/cgi- bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 og https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 for yderligere information.

en: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with support for a graphical user interface based on the Lucid toolkit (instead of the GTK+ interface provided by the emacs-gtk package). Until some known GTK+ problems are fixed, this version may help avoid crashing Emacs during an emacsclient disconnect. See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567934 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 for more information.

Categories: - Utility - Development - TextEditor Keywords: C: - Text - Editor Icon: cached: - name: emacs-lucid_emacs.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: emacs-lucid_emacs.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: emacs-lucid_emacs.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: e/em/emacs-term.desktop/1a8c9e85a8917aee3b4dbe69f6122bcb/icons/128x128/emacs-lucid_emacs.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: emacs Launchable: desktop-id: - emacs-term.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - text/english - text/plain - text/x-makefile - text/x-c++hdr - text/x-c++src - text/x-chdr - text/x-csrc - text/x-java - text/x-moc - text/x-pascal - text/x-tcl - text/x-tex - application/x-shellscript - text/x-c - text/x-c++ --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kosmindoormap Package: kosmindoormap-demo Name: es: Planos de interiores de OSM para KDE pt: Mapa de Interiores do OSM para o KDE zh-CN: KDE OSM 室内地图 sk: KDE OSM mapa interiéru zh-TW: KDE OSM 室內地圖 en-GB: KDE OSM Indoor Map ca: Mapa d'interiors d'OSM de KDE it: Mappa degli interni OSM di KDE ca-valencia: Mapa d'interiors d'OSM de KDE tr: KDE OSM İç Mekan Haritası pl: Mapa wnętrz OSM KDE fr: Carte interne de OpenStreetMap pour KDE ia: Mappa de vista interior de OSM de KDE (KDE OSM Indoor Map) fi: KDE:n OSM-sisätilakartta C: KDE OSM Indoor Map sl: KDE OSM notranji načrt eo: KDE OSM Indoor Map uk: Внутрішня карта OSM KDE he: מפות מבנים של OSM עם KDE sv: KDE OSM inomhuskarta eu: KDE OSM barruko mapa pt-BR: Mapa indoor do OSM para o KDE ar: خريطة الشارع المفتوحة داخلية لكيدي ko: KDE OSM 실내 지도 ka: KDE OSM შიდა რუკა nl: KDE OSM indoorkaart gl: Mapa interior de OSM de KDE ru: Схема помещения OSM KDE Summary: es: Aplicación de demostración de planos de interiores de OSM pt: Aplicação de demonstração de mapas de interiores do OSM zh-CN: OSM 室内地图演示应用 sk: Demo aplikuácia mapy interiéru OSM zh-TW: OSM 室內地圖範例應用程式 en-GB: OSM indoor map demo application ca: Aplicació de demostració de mapa d'interiors d'OSM it: Applicazione dimostrativa per mappe degli interni OSM ca-valencia: Aplicació de demostració de mapa d'interiors d'OSM tr: OSM iç mekan haritası tanıtım uygulaması pl: Aplikacja pokazowa mapy wnętrz OSM fr: Application de démonstration pour la carte interne de OpenStreetMap ia: Application demo de OSM Indoor Map fi: OSM-sisätilakartan demosovellus C: OSM indoor map demo application sl: Demo aplikacija OSM indoor map eo: Demonstraĵo por OSM endoma mapo uk: Демонстраційна програма внутрішніх карт OSM he: יישום הדגמה למפות פנימיות עם OSM sv: Demonstrationsprogram för OSM inomhuskarta eu: OSM barruko maparen erakustaldi-aplikazioa pt-BR: Aplicativo de demonstração de mapa indoor do OSM ar: تطبيق عرض الخرائط الداخلية لمشروع خريطة الشارع المفتوح ko: OSM 실내 지도 데모 앱 ka: OSM შიდა რუკის დემო აპლიკაცია nl: Demo-toepassing van OSM indoorkaart gl: Aplicación de demostración de mapa interior de OSM. ru: Демонстрационное приложение схемы помещения OSM Description: C: >-

Open Street Map indoor map renderer of for example a (large) train station.

Contains a demo application.

en: >-

Open Street Map indoor map renderer of for example a (large) train station.

Contains a demo application.

Categories: - Development Icon: cached: - name: kosmindoormap-demo_go-home.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: kosmindoormap-demo_go-home.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: go-home Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.kosmindoormap.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: gshutdown.desktop Package: gshutdown Name: C: GShutdown Summary: fr: Utilitaire pour programmer l'arrêt, le redémarrage de votre ordinateur ou la fermeture de la session actuelle sr: Напредан алат који омогућава временско гашење, поновно покретање рачунара или одјаву sr@Latn: Napredan alat koji omogućava vremensko gašenje, ponovno pokretanje računara ili odjavu C: An advanced shutdown utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or the restart of your computer it: Utility avanzata che permette di programmare lo spegnimento e il riavvio del tuo computer Description: C: >-

GShutdown is a utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or restart of your computer. With it you can simply and quickly choose the turn off time at either a specific time or after a countdown.

The graphical user interface uses Gtk+2.

en: >-

GShutdown is a utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or restart of your computer. With it you can simply and quickly choose the turn off time at either a specific time or after a countdown.

The graphical user interface uses Gtk+2.

Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: gshutdown_gshutdown.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - gshutdown.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: orange-spectroscopy.desktop Package: python3-orange-spectroscopy Name: C: Orange Spectroscopy/Quasar Summary: C: Explore, analyze, and visualize your spectroscopy data Description: en: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

C: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

en_AU: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

en_CA: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

en_GB: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

Categories: - Science - Education - ArtificialIntelligence - DataVisualization - NumericalAnalysis Keywords: C: - Machine Learning - Scientific Visualization - Statistical Analysis - Spectroscopy Icon: cached: - name: python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: o/or/orange-spectroscopy.desktop/3dd553d2877b4f1cff959177e1552b06/icons/128x128/python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: orange-canvas Launchable: desktop-id: - orange-spectroscopy.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-extension-ows --- Type: desktop-application ID: io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop Package: gourmand Name: C: Gourmand Summary: C: Organize recipes, create shopping lists, calculate nutritional information, and more. Description: C: >-

Gourmand is a recipe-organizer that allows you to collect, search, organize, and browse your recipes. Gourmand can also generate shopping lists and calculate nutritional information.

ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0 Categories: - Utility Url: homepage: https://github.com/GourmandRecipeManager/gourmand Icon: cached: - name: gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/icons/128x128/gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand Launchable: desktop-id: - io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_752x508.png width: 752 height: 508 - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_624x421.png width: 624 height: 421 - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_224x151.png width: 224 height: 151 source-image: url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1195 height: 808 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.silx.SilxView Package: silx Name: C: silx data viewer Summary: C: HDF5 EDF SPEC Data Viewer Description: C: >-

The silx project aims at providing a collection of Python packages to support the development of data assessment, reduction and analysis applications at synchrotron radiation facilities. It aims at providing reading/writing different file formats, data reduction routines and a set of Qt widgets to browse and visualize data.

The current version provides :

* reading HDF5 file format (with support of SPEC file format) * histogramming * fitting * 1D and 2D visualization using multiple backends (matplotlib or OpenGL) * image plot widget with a set of associated tools (See changelog file). * Unified browser for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats supporting inspection and visualization of n-dimensional datasets. * Unified viewer (silx view filename) for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats * OpenGL-based widget to display 3D scalar field with isosurface and cutting plane.

This uses the Python 3 version of the package.

en: >-

The silx project aims at providing a collection of Python packages to support the development of data assessment, reduction and analysis applications at synchrotron radiation facilities. It aims at providing reading/writing different file formats, data reduction routines and a set of Qt widgets to browse and visualize data.

The current version provides :

* reading HDF5 file format (with support of SPEC file format) * histogramming * fitting * 1D and 2D visualization using multiple backends (matplotlib or OpenGL) * image plot widget with a set of associated tools (See changelog file). * Unified browser for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats supporting inspection and visualization of n-dimensional datasets. * Unified viewer (silx view filename) for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats * OpenGL-based widget to display 3D scalar field with isosurface and cutting plane.

This uses the Python 3 version of the package.

Categories: - Education - Science - DataVisualization Icon: cached: - name: silx_silx.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: silx_silx.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: silx_silx.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/silx/SilxView/50c95a11b1fa0f3d00dfb99c8c6bfb06/icons/128x128/silx_silx.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: silx Launchable: desktop-id: - org.silx.SilxView.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - image/tiff - application/x-hdf - application/x-silx-hdf5 - application/x-silx-nexus - application/x-silx-specfile - image/x-silx-marccd - image/x-silx-cbf - image/x-silx-edf - image/x-silx-numpy --- Type: desktop-application ID: paraview.desktop Package: paraview Name: C: ParaView Client Summary: C: ParaView allows viewing of large data sets Description: C: >-

ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform application designed to visualize data sets of size varying from small to very large. The goals of the ParaView project include the following:

* Develop an open-source, multi-platform visualization application. * Support distributed computation models to process large data sets. * Create an open, flexible, and intuitive user interface. * Develop an extensible architecture based on open standards.

ParaView runs on distributed and shared memory parallel as well as single processor systems and has been successfully tested on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and various Unix workstations, clusters and supercomputers. Under the hood, ParaView uses the Visualization Toolkit as the data processing and rendering engine and has a user interface written using Qt.

en: >-

ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform application designed to visualize data sets of size varying from small to very large. The goals of the ParaView project include the following:

* Develop an open-source, multi-platform visualization application. * Support distributed computation models to process large data sets. * Create an open, flexible, and intuitive user interface. * Develop an extensible architecture based on open standards.

ParaView runs on distributed and shared memory parallel as well as single processor systems and has been successfully tested on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and various Unix workstations, clusters and supercomputers. Under the hood, ParaView uses the Visualization Toolkit as the data processing and rendering engine and has a user interface written using Qt.

Categories: - Education - Math - Science Icon: cached: - name: paraview_paraview.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: paraview_paraview.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: paraview Launchable: desktop-id: - paraview.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-paraview --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.paraview.ParaView Package: paraview ProjectLicense: BSD-3-Clause Name: C: ParaView Summary: C: Data analysis and visualization Description: C: >-

ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. ParaView users can quickly build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The data exploration can be done interactively in 3D or programmatically using ParaView’s batch processing capabilities.

ParaView was developed to analyze extremely large datasets using distributed memory computing resources. It can be run on supercomputers to analyze datasets of exascale size as well as on laptops for smaller data.

Categories: - Science Url: homepage: http://paraview.org/ bugtracker: https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/-/issues help: https://www.paraview.org/documentation/ faq: https://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:FAQ Icon: cached: - name: paraview_paraview.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: paraview_paraview.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: paraview Launchable: desktop-id: - org.paraview.ParaView.desktop Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: 'This visualization was a finalist in the SC21 Visualization Showcase. Credits: Francesca Samel et al. at Los Alamos National Lab.' thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-1_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-1_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-1_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1117 height: 826 - caption: C: Emergence of skin micro-wrinkles. Courtesy of Georges Limbert, University of Southampton, UK and University of Cape Town, South Africa. thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_1248x923@1.png width: 1248 height: 923 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1920 height: 1420 - caption: C: 'ParaView was used in Russell Taylor’s Comp 715: Visualization in the Sciences class at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Author: Jared Vicory et al.' thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-3_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-3_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-3_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1049 height: 776 - caption: C: Temporal plane jet DNS simulation thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-4_752x534@1.png width: 752 height: 534 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-4_624x443@1.png width: 624 height: 443 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-4_224x159@1.png width: 224 height: 159 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-4_orig.png width: 1024 height: 728 - caption: C: Visualization of MIT General Circulation Model data showing surface temperature, VHEr and bathymetry thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_1248x922@1.png width: 1248 height: 922 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_orig.png width: 1593 height: 1178 - caption: C: Cross Wind Fire Simulation (Image courtesy of Sandia National Labs) thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_1248x923@1.png width: 1248 height: 923 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_orig.png width: 1540 height: 1139 --- Type: desktop-application ID: net.minetest.minetest Package: luanti ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1+ AND CC-BY-SA-3.0 AND MIT AND Apache-2.0 Name: C: Luanti Summary: fr: Plate-forme de jeu multijoueurs à base de blocs C: Block-based multiplayer game platform de: Blockbasierte Mehrspieler-Spieleplattform Description: fr: >-

Luanti est une plateforme de jeu de type bac à sable à base de blocs.

Les joueurs peuvent créer et détruire différents types de blocs dans un monde ouvert tridimensionnel. Cela permet de créer des structures de toutes les formes possibles, sur des serveurs multijoueurs ou en solo.

Luanti est conçu pour être simple, stable et portable. Il est suffisamment léger pour fonctionner sur du matériel relativement ancien.

Luanti offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités, notamment :

C: >-

Luanti is a block-based sandbox game platform.

Players can create and destroy various types of blocks in a three-dimensional open world. This allows forming structures in every possible creation, on multiplayer servers or in singleplayer.

Luanti is designed to be simple, stable, and portable. It is lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware.

Luanti has many features, including:

de: >-

Luanti ist eine blockbasierte Sandbox-Spielplattform.

Spieler können in einer offenen 3D-Welt viele verschiedene Arten von Blöcken platzieren und abbauen. Dies erlaubt das Bauen von vielfältigen Strukturen im Einzelspieler oder auf Mehrspielerservern.

Luanti wurde entworfen, um einfach, stabil und portabel zu sein. Es ist leichtgewichtig genug, um auf relativ alter Hardware zu laufen.

Luanti besitzt viele Features, unter anderem:

Developer: id: net.minetest name: C: Luanti Team Categories: - Game - Simulation Keywords: C: - sandbox - world - mining - crafting - blocks - nodes - multiplayer - roleplaying Url: translate: https://dev.minetest.net/Translation donation: https://www.minetest.net/get-involved/#donate help: https://wiki.minetest.net faq: https://wiki.minetest.net/FAQ contribute: https://www.minetest.net/get-involved homepage: https://www.minetest.net bugtracker: https://www.minetest.net/get-involved/#reporting-issues vcs-browser: https://github.com/minetest/minetest Icon: cached: - name: luanti_luanti.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: luanti_luanti.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: luanti_luanti.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/icons/128x128/luanti_luanti.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: luanti Launchable: desktop-id: - net.minetest.minetest.desktop Requires: - display_length: 360 Supports: - control: pointing - control: keyboard - control: touch - internet: offline-only Provides: binaries: - luanti Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_1248x659@1.png width: 1248 height: 659 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_752x397@1.png width: 752 height: 397 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_624x329@1.png width: 624 height: 329 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_224x118@1.png width: 224 height: 118 source-image: url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1920 height: 1015 - thumbnails: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_1248x759@1.png width: 1248 height: 759 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_752x457@1.png width: 752 height: 457 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_624x379@1.png width: 624 height: 379 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_224x136@1.png width: 224 height: 136 source-image: url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1367 height: 832 - thumbnails: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_752x383@1.png width: 752 height: 383 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_624x318@1.png width: 624 height: 318 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_224x114@1.png width: 224 height: 114 source-image: url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1280 height: 653 Languages: - locale: be percentage: 56 - locale: bg percentage: 37 - locale: cs percentage: 90 - locale: da percentage: 45 - locale: de percentage: 100 - locale: en_US percentage: 100 - locale: eo percentage: 80 - locale: es percentage: 100 - locale: es_US percentage: 27 - locale: et percentage: 40 - locale: fil percentage: 36 - locale: fr percentage: 100 - locale: gl percentage: 100 - locale: hu percentage: 91 - locale: id percentage: 92 - locale: it percentage: 85 - locale: ja percentage: 100 - locale: ko percentage: 50 - locale: kv percentage: 28 - locale: ms percentage: 93 - locale: nb percentage: 51 - locale: nl percentage: 75 - locale: nn percentage: 36 - locale: pl percentage: 87 - locale: pt percentage: 84 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 82 - locale: ro percentage: 52 - locale: ru percentage: 100 - locale: sk percentage: 91 - locale: sl percentage: 30 - locale: sv percentage: 58 - locale: sw percentage: 29 - locale: tr percentage: 82 - locale: uk percentage: 94 - locale: vi percentage: 36 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 91 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 91 Releases: - version: 5.10.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1731196800 ContentRating: oars-1.0: violence-cartoon: mild violence-fantasy: mild social-chat: intense social-info: mild --- Type: desktop-application ID: emacs.desktop Package: emacs-gtk Name: C: Emacs (GUI) Summary: C: GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor - and more Description: C: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with a graphical user interface based on GTK+ (instead of the Lucid toolkit provided by the emacs-lucid package).

en: >-

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with a graphical user interface based on GTK+ (instead of the Lucid toolkit provided by the emacs-lucid package).

Categories: - Utility - Development - TextEditor Keywords: C: - Text - Editor Icon: cached: - name: emacs-gtk_emacs.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: emacs-gtk_emacs.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: emacs-gtk_emacs.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: e/em/emacs.desktop/de549c5cad67f45f659844e4c3a0f068/icons/128x128/emacs-gtk_emacs.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: emacs Launchable: desktop-id: - emacs.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - text/english - text/plain - text/x-makefile - text/x-c++hdr - text/x-c++src - text/x-chdr - text/x-csrc - text/x-java - text/x-moc - text/x-pascal - text/x-tcl - text/x-tex - application/x-shellscript - text/x-c - text/x-c++ --- Type: desktop-application ID: flent.desktop Package: flent Name: C: Flent Summary: C: The FLExible Network Tester Description: C: >-

The FLExible Network Tester is a Python wrapper to run multiple simultaneous netperf/iperf/ping instances and aggregate the results.

Tests are specified as config files (which are really Python), and various parsers for tool output are supplied. At the moment, parsers for netperf in -D mode, iperf in csv mode and ping/ping6 in -D mode are supplied, as well as a generic parser for commands that just outputs a single number.

Several commands can be run in parallel and, provided they output timestamped values, (which netperf ping and iperf do, the latter with a small patch, available in the misc/ directory), the test data points can be aligned with each other in time, interpolating differences between the actual measurement points. This makes it possible to graph (e.g.) ping times before, during and after a link is loaded.

ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+ Categories: - Network Keywords: C: - network - bufferbloat - performance - testing - rrul Url: homepage: https://flent.org/ Icon: cached: - name: flent_applications-internet.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: flent_applications-internet.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: flent_applications-internet.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/icons/128x128/flent_applications-internet.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: applications-internet Launchable: desktop-id: - flent.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/vnd.flent.data+json - application/vnd.flent.data.gzip - application/vnd.flent.data.bzip2 - application/x-compressed-json Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_1248x889.png width: 1248 height: 889 - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_752x535.png width: 752 height: 535 - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_624x444.png width: 624 height: 444 - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_224x159.png width: 224 height: 159 source-image: url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1367 height: 974